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Unexplained mark on piggy?

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Oct 26, 2012
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Hi everyone! I need a bit of help, I woke up today and picked up my piggy, Bugsy. I noticed he had what looked like a scab mark on his 'elbow' so to speak and he is housed with another piggy, Wiggles but I don't know what happened wether they had a fight and Bugsy lost or it's some sort of infection. It does hurt him when touched but he's walking, eating and pooing fine and doesn't seem all to bothered. Can anyone help me determine what it is and what to do?

Also, Wiggles would sniff and try to bite it so I don't know what that means either? :/


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Hello and welcome to the forum

It is hard to tell without giving the pig a hands on exam - it could be a scab from a bite, but it also looks like the start of a fungal infection, or parasites causing a problem.

I would recommend a vet trip for a confirmed diagnosis as the treatment for each are very different.


Suzy xx
I bathe him regularly in a instecticidal shampoo so that should be preventing parasites - but it could be fungal as Wiggles has a fungal infection on his nose, but can you explain why Wiggles was trying to bite it?

If it is fungal, I am using Clotrimazole on Wiggles as I used it before (after reading online it was safe) on Bugsy when he has a fungal infection on his nose.
Hope you don't mind me saying, but it also looks like your little furry could do with some nail clipping...boy can they grow quickly, I was reminded of that just yesterday with my lot, when I thought it had just been done 2 weeks previously, ouch they had grown.

Hope you find the mystery mark.
I know it seems like that but the nail is barely 3mm from the quick
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