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Update on Spice

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Took Spice to the vet for his second post op. check today.There is swelling under the wound and the vet doesn"t know if its an infection or the abscess reforming.He"s given him Baytril and said to keep on with the metacam.Surely Spice can"t keep taking antibiotics without it damaging him?Also its 0.4ml twice a day of baytril...is this ok?I"m really worried about him,he"s been through so much and it seems never ending.
I'm afraid I don't know how long they can take antibiotics for without it causing them harm? Is he eating & drinking now?

I do hope he gets better soon :-*
They need to take 0.4ml x2 daily for it to be effective. A course should be at least 10 days long to make sure the antibiotics have worked (use probiotics too). It could be another pocket of pus? My Calista has a tooth root abscess at the moment and I'm flushing twice daily with a Baytril solution (0.5ml Baytril:5ml Hartmans Solution which is working well and the abscess has reduced in size. As well as this she is having 0.4ml x2 daily of Baytril which she'll be on for a while as we're waiting for a dying tooth to drop out ::) which may be pusy underneath. Flushing with Baytril gets it right into the tissue. I've used Manuka Honey (Active) on some abscesses too but they still need the Baytril I feel.

Is this the abscess on the leg? Does he need Metacam? Is he in pain if he doesn't have it/do you see a difference when its time for hime to take his next dose ie does it wear off and he becomes in pain till he gets the next lot?

I don't use Metacam so don't know a lot about it.
Try rubbing some Active Manuka honey in it maybe.
Oh love thanks also for the pm :smitten:
Gee poor little Spice, don't worry as Karen said as long as you're using the propbiotics as well they're quite ok on meds for long periods. Duke was on meds for months without a break.... so don't let that worry you.
O.4ml is fine of Baytril, as far as Metacam i would use it for the first 4-5 days, you be the judge of whether you need to continue you can tell by the way they're moving and eating if they're in pain, they do hide things but those little different movements are just noticeable at times.
If you're at all still concerned after 48 hours i'd be back to the vets for a check up, he might just need to have a quick flush of the wound area.
Is the wound area clean, can you see into it? or is it sutured up? Only asking cause if it's open you'll see the puss forming again which would need immediate flushing but if it's a closed wound area it's difficult.... again i'd only wait a bit and then back to the vets.
All the best love, paws crossed we'll be thinking of you and little Spice :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
The abscess was inbetween his right nipple and leg.It has been stitched up so I"ve no chance of flushing it out.Started on the baytril last night and gave him metacam as he"s holding his little leg up when he walks.He"s eaten melon this morning and is loving grass but not dried food.He needs to put weight on so has anyone got any ideas on how to fatten him up?He has unlimited hay and dried food and fresh veg twice a day and is out in his run on grass most of the day as well.
I wouldn't put him out ongrass, at least not in a large space after an op. He needs to contain his movements for a while.
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