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urgent help! Guinea pig blood all over


New Born Pup
May 20, 2024
Reaction score
Hi all. I’ve never posted on here before but am in need of a lot of urgent help. I was cleaning out my daughters Guinea pigs today and noticed on one of the girls her whole bottom end had blood on it. It wasn’t a small amount which is really worrying. Upon cleaning them out there was blood in the bedding and it’s looking really bad. She’s acting fine, eating and using the bathroom normally and seems calm but I really don’t know what to do! She is old now, about 6 years and lives comfortably in a small herd. I called the vets and they said to bring her in tomorrow. Is there anything we can do in the mean time as I am worried it’s going to be too late. Thank you!
Hi all! I am sorry I forgot my login to this account. Miraculously, she seems ok. She stayed in the vets for a night which must have been stressful for her but bless she is doing much better now. I really wasn’t sure if she would make it considering her age, but we are delighted she is ok. Thank you for all your kind messages, I will attach some pictures of her later :)
Thank you so much for updating. It's awful when people post about a series issue and you never find out if the piggy recovers 😔
Looking forward to pictures 😊
Hi all! I am sorry I forgot my login to this account. Miraculously, she seems ok. She stayed in the vets for a night which must have been stressful for her but bless she is doing much better now. I really wasn’t sure if she would make it considering her age, but we are delighted she is ok. Thank you for all your kind messages, I will attach some pictures of her later :)

That is good news. Have your vets checked for a potentially cancerous ovarian cyst?
Yes they have taken some samples and sent them off hoping to find out within the next couple of days. she’s the brown one, one of her sisters is the white- didn’t want to take too many pictures just so she wasn’t scared. Thanks again all!


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Glad she is doing better! Hoping all the test come back in her favor! My son's dwarf hamster gave us a scare back in late December by passing some frank blood from her lady parts... we really feared the worst but she is still with us months later, elderly but feisty as ever.
Thanks for the update.
So glad she’s doing better.
Hopefully the tests will show nothing serious.