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UTI? But cannot get vet appointment until Saturday


New Born Pup
Mar 28, 2024
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This is my first post. My Guinea pig (female age 3) is showing signs of a UTI (exactly the same symptoms as her sister last year who had metacam and baytril from the vet)
I have called around lots of vets in the last 2 hours and have managed to get an emergency appointment for Saturday at 9am.
Does anyone have any tips as to what I can do at home (food ideas?) to help her until Saturday?
Thank you so much for your help.
I’m sorry she is unwell.

All you can do home is switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh her daily. This enables you to monitor hay intake more closely and step in with syringe feeding if needed.

The guide below will help further

All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures

If she worsens and you become worried there is the option of an out of hours vet, even if you call them for advice.
Thank you so much for your reply. At the moment, she is eating hay and drinking as usual. I’m just giving her a cuddle.
Make sure you do the weight checks each morning. You can’t know a piggy is actually eating enough hay by watching them.

If she had only just started showing signs then it often takes a couple of days for them to become consistent. Hopefully she will be ok until Saturday
Thank you!
Yes, it was only today I noticed the symptoms. The Guinea pigs live in the front room (open top C&C) and are often exploring on the floor and are held regularly. So it’s easy for us to immediately see any change.
Fingers crossed she will be okay tomorrow
Ah no, they always manage to time these things for bank holiday weekends not knowing the extra stress they cause. The advice you have been given is great, Saturday isn't too far away so do what you can to keep her ticking over until the vet sees you