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UTI test kits

worried val of york

Forum Donator 2023/24
Aug 11, 2013
Reaction score
North Yorkshire
Is there such a thing as a home test kit for UTI in guinea pigs. If there is where is the best place to get one. Thanks Val
he has been to the vet who suggested she may do a UTI but that would entail him going in for half a day for the vet to test the urine. I thought it would be less stressful for him if I could do the test at home and take him to vet for treatment. I did ask the vet nurse if I could buy a test there but was told I would need the result chart to do it properly. So thought a home test would be best.
Testing for blood/protein in pee could potentially be done at home with a test strip, but testing for bacteria needs vet lab facilities. If piggy has pain while peeing you can pretty much conclude without a test strip that there will be blood and/or protein in the pee, but the vet tests can confirm bacteria and then the vet can prescribe the correct antibiotic. I'd stick with the vet really, they couldnt ever prescribe based on home diagnosis anyway and would have to repeat it themselves to confirm.