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Very Sudden And Unexpected Death Of My Guinea Pig

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New Born Pup
Apr 6, 2014
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I guess I am looking for answers, which I am sure nobody can provide, but today my beautiful 5 year old guinea pig died very suddenly, 30 minutes early I had been removing the cage liners from her cage and getting it cleaned and when I went to look at her she was dead! how could this of happened, I think it might be my fault, I gave her some lettuce today, I don't know why, I thought it would be a nice treat, she doesn't normally get it, they had eaten it all by the time I went to clean the cage, I also to clean the cage had to lift the fleece she was standing on as I lifted it her and the other guinea pigs ran off and went to another part of the cage, this is how I always do it but what if it frightened her, and she died of that, or maybe the lettuce, I should of gave her something else, really wish I had now,
she has always been a very confident little piggy, very fearless always noseying out to see whats going on, beside the lettuce she is fed a healthy diet of excel pellets, other fresh veggies and a mix of timothy hay, herbs etc how could my happy healthy little guinea pig go so suddenly without any noise, without any warning, I never even got a chance to say goodbye :(
I'm so so sorry, what a nasty shock for you. Please don't blame yourself. If it was the lettuce it would not have happened that quickly. My thoughts are that it was either a heart attack or organ failure. I have lost 2 pigs this way and both times it was a suspected heart attack. It would have been very quick and she would not have suffered.
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I am so sorry for your loss. Please do not blame yourself. My guinea pigs eat lettuce. The lettuce would not have caused this tradegy.
thank you both, I guess there is some comfort in the last thing she ate being something she adored, I guess I maybe caused her a heart attack by cleaning her cage the way I did, so stupid, it's how I have always done it, shes never been a guinea pig to scare easily at anything or be timid, I don't know it just dosnt make sense, I just feel so guilty, and wish I had done things different today, she had had some health problems at the end of last year, a course of anti biotics seemed to of done the trick and she had been so lively and seemed so well, I just wish I could change things, thank you for the kind replies
I am so sorry, what an awful shock. Do no blame yourself, it would not have been the lettuce and it wouldn't ave been by fright either. Please do not beat yourself up, you did no cause this to happen.. Unfortunately it was just your little girls time. Guilt is a natural emotion we get during grief, so are the 'What if' feelings. Honestly there was nothing you could have done.

I am so sorry for your loss.

RIP Little One
x x
You cleaning the cage did not cause this. Like Helen said it is likely she had a heart problem. It is so sad but it is just one of those things. I lost my late Ehab in the same way. I saw him eating hay and ten minutes later he had passed. Please stop blaming yourself.
thank so much, she was and always will be very special to me, I think I have attached a picture of my little angel, not her best shots but two I love of her in her snuggle sacks, which she is now buried in, I can't thank you enough for your kind and reassuring words, they mean a lot, and have helped put my mind a little at rest,


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I am glad we were able to help, she was beautiful.
So sorry for your loss. It certainly wouldnt be due to lettuce or cage cleaning. She really looks like she was a very special girl xx
I'm so sorry for your loss. That must have been a shock, so sudden with no warning! I truly do not think it was anything you did. Lettuce is not harmful, and cleaning the cage as per usual would not harm her in any way. Unfortunately 5 is an older piggy, she may have had a heart condition or something age-related that caught up with her all of a sudden. ((HUGS)) to you!
pulling the fleece wont have caused this . I tip mine out of litter trays if they wont move and they get lettuce. Its just one of those things.Sending you big hugs
I'm so very sorry and understand you questioning yourself - we all do it when this sad event happens unexpectedly.
Believe me, I am the world's worst for 'if's, buts' etc. It's your natural reaction to the shock and scrutinising yourself if you did something slightly different but it really does sound like a heart issue which you could not have known about :(
Run free beautiful girl, everything heals at the Bridge so send your mummy a wave to help her broken heart :bye:
Big hugs x

I am very sorry; it rather looks like a heart attack or stroke if it was that quick and without any obvious other signs. They can happen right out of the blue. Sometimes, a piggy dies in the midst of eating a stalk of hay or a blade grass. There is sadly nothing you can do in a situation like that, but it is bound to leave you badly shaken. Your desire to find out what happened or if it was something you have done wrong is a very typical reaction from a loving piggy person; we all have these feelings of guilt at the beginning of our grieving process.

You girl was gorgeous and you must miss her a lot! The only - scant - consolation you have is that she has lived to a good age and didn't suffer in any way at the end.

If your girl has a companion, here are tip on how to best care for her in the coming days: https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/threads/looking-after-a-bereaved-piggy.110463/

You are most welcome to post a tribute with some loving memories in our Rainbow Bridge Pets section whenever you feel up to it.
Hugs,we lost approx 4.5 y o piggy with suspected stroke.She came to us asking for something and start moves like not enough air.My wife run and grab portion of parsley.We thought she eat something it is stack but we was wrong.She managed eat parsley.While she eating my wife run to car ,she start engine but she dies within 20 seconds almost on my hands.We paid for post mortal but vet said all organs was fine.Vet said nothing we can do.And even was happens in vet clinic.All three guineas dies Saturday Morning.
RIP.So sorry.
So very sorry for your loss. What an awful shock. (((((hugs))))) Popcorn over the bridge little one. x
I'm really sorry for your loss, it must have been a horrible shock to you. Please don't blame yourself, it does sound like it was a heart attack & most certainly not connected to anything you had done. R.I.P. little one, you were beautiful. x
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