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Vet visits- when to go?


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 14, 2020
Reaction score
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Hi guys, I’m just wondering what are some red flags that a piggie is sick and how to tell if a guinea pig has that symptom. Also, if your guinea pig doesn’t have symptoms but if the pig is actually unwell, how do you tell?
Hi guys, I’m just wondering what are some red flags that a piggie is sick and how to tell if a guinea pig has that symptom. Also, if your guinea pig doesn’t have symptoms but if the pig is actually unwell, how do you tell?


You may find the information links in chapters 7-9 in our New Owners' guide collection very helpful. Here is the link to our comprehensive information resource, which you may wany to bookmark: Getting Started - New Owners' Most Helpful Guides

The information guides in the chapters listed are dealing with life-long weekly weight and body checks (what exactly to look out for and what you can do), preparing for illness and vet care, early signs of illness, a list on how urgently you need to see a vet for a range of issues as well as a one stop emergency information and care link where you can find everything you need to look after your piggy until you can see a vet and until any medication kicks in and they have recovered enough to no longer need any extra support.

If in any doubt, please see a vet for a hands-on examination. We can't help you with asymptomatic illness concerns as we have no access to a piggy and any verbal information you can provide us with is filtered by your own perception. That is the big drawback of any online place.