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Views On Boarding I.e Moving Them Into A Diff Home

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 6, 2014
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Just looking to see if you guys have any views on taking your piggies to a small animal boarding home when you go away and have no other option. Do you think its upsetting for them to be moved in to another hutch/cage which isn't their own for a week and then be moved back again. This is I think is my only concern unless there's others!:hmm:
I have no problem boarding mine. They love it when they go to Bunnyhops in Northampton into a large hutch or the floor areas which isn't like their home cage. They are fed, cuddled and go outside if the weather is good.
If you have somewhere in mind then I'm sure they would let you have a look around to see what the accommodation is like.
Mine go into boarding whenever I go away - I see it that their needs will be met there with no anxiety over whether or not someone who doesn't have their own pigs is coping (if that makes sense) and I don't have to worry! They seem to enjoy it there as there are lots of other piggies around to chat to!
Mine go onto boarding too. Sometimes, it is the best option- as long as you find somewhere acceptable to board them. As above posts have said , it can be better than relying on someone who doesn't understand guinea pigs.
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