Vulnerable, Isolated, Powerless And Alone

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 19, 2011
Reaction score
Anyone else feel this way during the endless hours of this site's "currently carrying out maintenance"? Or do I need to put my coat on and leave the house. Haha
We do seem lost too, like loss of a comfort blanket... :nod:
It's the FIRST thing you do?

You mean your piggies allow you 'me time' before you tend to their every need and whim.

Yes, yes, they are very understanding! Excusing the loud demanding wheeks. Well, on a week day I feed them first. Just at the weekend I do the pig forum first.
I thought One Direction had crashed it ha ha! I spent 8:45- 10am on ticketmaster (which kept crashing) for my daughter and her friend. Thought maybe GPF was somehow involved....:cool:
:(:(....just to add I was unsuccessful! And then she told me they sold out in three minutes (after I spent an hour :cen:) and THEN :btt: I made a nice brew and thought I'd have ten mins on GPF......!:(
I thought One Direction had crashed it ha ha! I spent 8:45- 10am on ticketmaster (which kept crashing) for my daughter and her friend. Thought maybe GPF was somehow involved....:cool:
They better not be! They will have me to answer to if they are the ones that kept me of this site this morning when I got up:box::mal:. Me and Simon pig had to watch any which way but loose out of shear desperation at 8am this morning instead of getting our forum fix whilst his mummy is sleeping in bed!
Gaaaah! Desperate measures! Think we need to hide that post so no one's OH's ever see it. They'll be trying to hijack the forum!
You don't know how long it took me to understand what you meant, it's okay I understand now... Haha ;)!

Yes they will, to get out of any chores!
I did feel a bit lost, nothing to do... Nobody to talk to... Facebook bores me to death and is about as interesting as a box of tissues. So I CLEANED.
Hope you didn't touch Cai's hoover...
Spent the day boardgaming from 11am till just. Unfortunately played 3 new games that I really want.... no NEED! :)) Dam my boardgame addiction
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