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Waiting For A Wee

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Eddie is gorgeous. When I want a urine sample I pop my pig in the bath. That way they can move about and do not end up sitting in the wee. You may like to try that? Then you just wipe the test stick in the wee.
He's just sat there grinding his teeth and pooping (and looking hunched up) :( giving me the evil eye and washing his face.
I usually give mine about 4 ml of water by syringe before trying to get a sample. It usually speeds things up a bit x
Bless him! He's like... 'Are you serious human? This is so humiliating...'
If it's any help I've read cucumber is meant to be good when trying for a wee sample!
And I love the photo really made me giggle. I must say I'm impressed with the icecream box none of mine would stay in there for more than a second!
:)) He looks very Regal in the first photo!
Haha, maybe he can't go whilst you're watching? Adorable photo!
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