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Emergency Walnut Is Going Downhill - Shivering, Refusing To Eat. Video Please View.

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 11, 2009
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I'm waiting for the Vets to call me back. Walnut had a stone removed from her urethra on Saturday. She is on pain meds and antibiotics. Yesterday I took her back to the vets for a pain shot.
She is now shivering this morning and refusing to eat or move. Please watch the video. I'm so worried. I guess I can't upload it.
I'm so sorry to hear about your piggie.
I'm sending my thoughts, and best wishes for you and your pig.
X x x
Can't add anything to what Wiebke has said. Fingers crossed that she gets better.
here is the link to her :

http://vid1116.photobucket.com/albums/k569/Billiegene5/014_zpsbn2yy4d2.mp4 I hope it works.

I've given her some dandelion leaves and she has a heatpad. She ate a few and now is hunched up and shivering again. She also walked around a few steps after eating and its as though something is wrong with her back legs. Now I am worried, could she be blocked? Like from scar tissue or swelling? She is on Metacam and antibiotics. She had a pain injection last evening.
sorry about all the noise in the background. Her Mom was eating hay.
I really hope the Vet calls back soon. I'm so stressed out. Walnut's ear are warm at least, so that is good right? I can tell though she is in a lot of pain and discomfort.
It can simply be from pain. Please start hand feeding if she is not eating properly; our guide will tell you exactly how and what things you can use that you have at home in an emergency.

It may depend on how much damage has been done to the urinary tract by the stone and any back-up. But to decide and evaluate that, you need your vet.
My worry about force feeding her is that if she has a blockage (as I have not seen her to go the bathroom) that will only make it worse. She is definitley in pain and not well. Oh the vets just called and she is going to see a vet in about 25 minutes. I will update when I get back.
Oh your poor little furball baby :(
How did you get on at the vets?

Sorry no real advice-just Hope they gave u some extra painkiller for when you're home?

Bucketfulls of healing vibes coming your way :)

Speedy recovery to all your babies.
Luv Ellie Grace &I xx
Hi, yes we are back now. She had another xray and she has bloat :( So I have brought her home and force fed her some Critical Care and Florentine for her guts. SHe also willingly ate some dandelion leaves. But she still has not gone to the washroom. I am picking up a new antibiotic at the compounding pharmacy and Tramadel (pain killer) as well. I'm so worried. I got about 1 oz of critical care into her. She is acting really strange now. She is back in her cage with her Mom and her Mom came over and So Walnut walked away from her. But she was shaking/trembling excessively when she was walking...

Now she is just laying on a fleece blanket. I don't understnad.
My worry about force feeding her is that if she has a blockage (as I have not seen her to go the bathroom) that will only make it worse. She is definitley in pain and not well. Oh the vets just called and she is going to see a vet in about 25 minutes. I will update when I get back.

Are you sure that she has eaten properly in the last couple of days? Lack of poos is most likely due to her not eating much, so there is nothing to come out at the other end. Have you weighed her daily at the same time to check on her food intake?
Hi, I have seen her eating before today but I suspect not as much as normal. She has done about 5 poos now but they are really thin and almost look slimey. sorry I know that is gross. When she passed them she squeaked a lot and raised her butt and snorted. :( I'm going to pick up her new meds in 1/2 hour. All she wants to do is bury her head in the hay and not move.
I was able to get another oz into her of Critical Care and I'm giving her pedialyte by syringe. Now she has had her new antibiotic and pain meds and she actually seems a bit perkier. She has done a few more weird poops but at least something is coming out. And I'm glad I got a lot of liquid into her.
Walnut seems perkier this morning now that she is on Tramadol. I was able to get another 30 CC's into her of Critical Care and more Pedialyte water. I saw her peed which is good but she is STILL crying out when she urinates. She also is pooping but they are VERY tiny and sort of joined. But perhaps, things are moving along now?

I'm going to give her more food in 2 hours. She still isn't eating on her own. She did talk to me a bit this morning and she was more interested in her environment She is coming inside to have to her food and she usually is outside in the shed. Her eyes have stopped running as well.

So I'm going to keep a close eye on her today and hopefully, she will start eating on her own.
Walnut seems perkier this morning now that she is on Tramadol. I was able to get another 30 CC's into her of Critical Care and more Pedialyte water. I saw her peed which is good but she is STILL crying out when she urinates. She also is pooping but they are VERY tiny and sort of joined. But perhaps, things are moving along now?

I'm going to give her more food in 2 hours. She still isn't eating on her own. She did talk to me a bit this morning and she was more interested in her environment She is coming inside to have to her food and she usually is outside in the shed. Her eyes have stopped running as well.

So I'm going to keep a close eye on her today and hopefully, she will start eating on her own.

Her poos reflect how her tummy was 1-2 days ago (the pain has likely caused at least partial gut stasis in view of the stringy poo). You won't see anything much coming through quickly. Just persist with the feeding and watering; little but as often as you can! I hope that the pain and discomfort is going down more soon and that she is perking up in the degree she is feeling better in herself.
Thanks Wiebke, I suspect that she had stasis due to the sedation from the stone being removed or perhaps, after while she was recovering she probably wasn't eating as much due to severe pain. I'm glad she was "chuckling" at me this morning. She hasn't made any sounds but pain squeaking for so long it seems. And she is definitely not as lethargic.
Fingers firmly crossed that she is making a good recovery from now on.
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