WANTED: New Brand of Muesli?!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 30, 2009
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As 'Wagg Guinea Pig Crunch' has been discontinued, I require a new brand of muesli! On the other hand, I will not consider the following brands:

Gerty Guinea Pig
Mr Johnsons
Pets At Home

However, any other suggestions will be very much welcome, and appreciated! Thank you!
will they only eat muesli? I changed Bertie to Burgess and after an initial dislike he now scoffs the lot. It sounds more expensive but there is no waste.
I read on the forum somewhere that harringtons is replacing wagg not sure if it will be the same or not :)
Thank you for your replies, Suem, and Avril!

However, I do not wish to feed my boars a complete food, Suem!

Unfortunately, Avril, I believe Wagg is rebranding their complete food, and discontinuing their muesli!
stock up on wagg, everywhere sells it and has loads in so stock up and worry later :-~)
Why does it need to be museli...?

Pellets are far better for them and if you wanted to stick with wagg... Why not use wagg pellets...

All museli's are a bit rubbish... Some are way worse than others though...
Thank you for your replies, Bekki2308, and Claremw92!

Thank you for your sugestion, Bekki2308 - I do intend to stock up on 'Wagg Guinea Pig Crunch', but I would like to be well prepared for when the time comes that I am required to change my boar's food (I do have a terrible habit of waiting until the last minute when making these kind of decisions)! :))

Thank you for your reply, Claremw92! However, my family, and I have our reasons as to why we choose to feed muesli as opposed to a complete food!
Thank you for your reply, Claremw92! However, my family, and I have our reasons as to why we choose to feed muesli as opposed to a complete food!
Ive read recently that piggies dont have favourites as such when it comes to food, that in the wild they are foregers and seek what food they need.
Wild diet versus pet diet

Many feeds on the market today aim to cure the 'problem' of selective eaters. Peter Gurney, the "Guinea Pig Guru" observed that his cavies would eat the astringent herb Shepherds Purse only when they had loose droppings or diarrhoea. Rabbits breed on a 'rising scale of nutrition' and are naturally at their most fertile as the supply of food and the quality of the grazing increases. Animals know what they need and are selective feeders by design. It is our placing them in an unnatural environment and offering them lots of grains and coloured biscuits which is wrong
...................certainly food for thought and if they get a good quality hay and a balance of veggies may muesli is better after all.
perhaps piggies are like my family, hubby eats anything, so does eldest son, youngest is very picky, and I am a strict veggie. good job we arent all the same....:rose
Really? I didn't know about that.. My pigs are currently fed on Wagg Guinea Pig Crunch, but I've always wanted to try them on pellets. Recently I've noticed that they have been picking through their food, which I know isn't good so I am considering changing the food.

Pellets are just in a different form. You can get them in different flavours and they have all the vitamins your pigs need. I've heard lots of good reviews about various different pellet brands. Burgess Excel sounds good.

If you really don't want to change, I know that many supermarkets stock their own brand of guinea pig muesli, so that may be worth a try. Here are some of the guinea pig muesli brands I found:

Sweet Meadow Golden Guinea Pig Muesli
Wagg Optimum (If they are still selling this as well)
It is our placing them in an unnatural environment and offering them lots of grains and coloured biscuits which is wrong

That's the bit that concerns me!

Oh and them bits that look like cat biscuits. What is THAT all about? :))
Thank you for your replies!

Hazeyg, thank you for your reply! Certainly, the theory you have raised is indeed one of the reasons that I have decided to feed my boars a brand of muesli! :(|)

Suem, thank you for your reply! However, I am sure that my boars would eat a complete food, but I have made an informed choice to keep my boars on a brand of muesli! -c

Puzzlepigs, thank you for your reply! However, again, I have made an informed choice to keep my boars on a brand of muesli - Certainly, I am willing to consider 'Sweet Meadow Golden Guinea Pig Muesli', if I can find the ingredients, and nutritional analysis of this product?! On the other hand, 'Wagg Optimum Guinea Pig Food' - Now 'Harringtons Optimum Guinea Pig Food' - is a complete food! :(|)
Thank you for your replies!

Hazeyg, thank you for your reply! Certainly, the theory you have raised is indeed one of the reasons that I have decided to feed my boars a brand of muesli! :(|)

Suem, thank you for your reply! However, I am sure that my boars would eat a complete food, but I have made an informed choice to keep my boars on a brand of muesli! -c

Puzzlepigs, thank you for your reply! However, again, I have made an informed choice to keep my boars on a brand of muesli - Certainly, I am willing to consider 'Sweet Meadow Golden Guinea Pig Muesli', if I can find the ingredients, and nutritional analysis of this product?! On the other hand, 'Wagg Optimum Guinea Pig Food' - Now 'Harringtons Optimum Guinea Pig Food' - is a complete food! :(|)


They stock the food there - don't be too surprised with the price though as it is a 20kg bag!
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