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Water Bottle - Am I Doing It Right?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 15, 2014
Reaction score
Bournemouth, Dorset, UK
I know technically it's about water and not food... hope i'm in the right forum. I've got a large standard plastic water bottle for my two piggies. When we got our piggies I put a water bottle and a bowl of water in the cage as I wasn't sure which one they'd be used to. Tedee has always used the bottle fine and large bubbles appear when she drinks. Polo used to use the bowl but has now started to use the bottle however it seems a lot more laborious for her as she only gets small bubbles and seems to be on there with repeated goes at it in one session more than Tedee. I have also kept the water bowl in there topped up twice a day with fresh water so I know she has a second choice. I fill the large bottle up to about a third full with fresh clean water everyday and clean the narrow metal mouth end with a Q tip from time-to-time to check it's clear. Thank you.
There may be just a difference how much they are sipping the water. If you can touch the spout with your finger and some water drips onto you. I am sure they are retrieving the water fine.
That's reassuring to know. I do check the tip of the spout when I'm changing their water to check it's working okay. May just be that Polo's getting used it or she drinks a different way.
Thank you :)
I would have two water bottles so they do not have to share. It is always best to have two of everything.
I would have two water bottles so they do not have to share. It is always best to have two of everything.
Yes, I was thinking that too. I'm going to get another bottle tomorrow - Polo's only started using the bottle in the last couple of days. They're in a cage at the moment (long story) but their C&C grids should hopefully arrive tomorrow. Is there a preferred height to have the spout of the bottle at? Thanks.
I count five squares up on my c and c cage. You could just put it in and watch to see if it is a suitable height. I like ferplast sippy bottles as they can be screwed on so avoids having them fall off.
Ooh. Think I'll check out the Ferplast sippy bottles. I did have a problem with the plastic bottle dropping off with the flimsy bit of wire they supplied with it and then used elastic, which works fine. Really want to get it all set up nicely for them in their C&C cage though. Thank you. :)
Those plastic bottles are so annoying! They never stay on. Here is the one I mean,
Just checking out the Ferplast sippy bottles... do you think 2 of the medium size is okay or do I need to go for the large? Thanks
The water bottles are a never ending puzzle to me! Lol! I did the same thing as you- I put in a bottle as well as a bowl and eventually I noticed that they were using the bottle so I took the bowl away. They use it fine but the two older piggies on the top go through a bottle a day. The piggies on the bottom don't even half finish their bottle which is half the size as the bottle on the top! Lol! It baffles me ;)
The water bottles are a never ending puzzle to me! Lol! I did the same thing as you- I put in a bottle as well as a bowl and eventually I noticed that they were using the bottle so I took the bowl away. They use it fine but the two older piggies on the top go through a bottle a day. The piggies on the bottom don't even half finish their bottle which is half the size as the bottle on the top! Lol! It baffles me ;)
I'm quickly learning there's no rhyme nor reason in individual guinea pig ways! Ahhh. Think I'll stick with the bowl too for a while longer. ;)
I'm quickly learning there's no rhyme nor reason in individual guinea pig ways! Ahhh. Think I'll stick with the bowl too for a while longer. ;)
It's so strange! lol! The older pigs (5-6 years old) also poop and pee three times as much as the pigs on the bottom who are 2 and 5 months! Hahaha! They seem quite proud of it too ;)
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