Water Bottle Question

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Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 25, 2014
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK

I was setting up my C&C cage earlier ready to get my first ever piggies, and I noticed that the water bottles are quite far back from the actual floor space when they are hung from the C&C grid. There is a bit of a gap between the grids and the actual correx base, so when you hang the bottle onto the side not much of the nozzle actually gets through into the cage space. Will my piggies be able to drink from these, or should I get larger bottles with longer nozzles if there are any?

Also any tips for stopping bottles from dripping? :)

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There looks enough spout there. I would be concerned about them catching mouth and necks on the sharp corex though as it is a hurdle. I would put a binder in that area.

Make sure the lid is screwed in properly and don't bash the bottle around. A good bottle won't leak.
I had that problem too! I ended up tilting the water bottle :( So annoying! I think there is enough spout sticking out there as well but I agree with putting a little bit of cloth or something on the corex around the spout.
If you are worried then get some pipe cleaners and hang them on the inside, that's what i've done :)

P.s, It's me, Ruth :P
Lovely set up - sorry can't help with dripping water I have brought various bottles and not yet found a drip proof one
Could you make 2 small holes in the correx and put a tie wrap through them and round the grids to you could pull that bit of correx tight to the grid?that would get rid of the space between correx and grid. Just an idea. And for the non dripping - I have a glass bottle with 2 balls in the spout rather than 1 and rarely ever have any excess dripping :)
The kaytee glass bottle has a longer spout than the classic plastic bottles and it's never leaked :)
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