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We Are All Responsible For The Forum...

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
The forum in general is very good at self-regulating and it achieves this by being a friendly non-confrontational platform which allows members to air their views in a manner which doesn't directly attack anyone else's views. It has always been the wish of the forum to educate rather than dictate in matters which directly impact on piggy welfare.

This is particularly important within the “Health & Illness” section of the forum, as we can only advise that veterinary advice is sought but can't force anyone to do so. It is also relevant within the “Health & Illness” section of the need to try to educate members on the importance of piggie welfare. Attacking a member for not doing something is counterproductive, as that member would in all probability leave the forum, thus negating the chance to educate them and more importantly primarily leaving a suffering guinea pig without any chance of knowledgeable support at all.

From time to time discussions can become impassioned to the extent where in the heat of the argument the ethos of our forum can suffer and this is where the title of this thread becomes apparent – 'We Are All Responsible for the Forum'. In such cases can we ask that ANY member who has concerns with any posts, use the “Report” button under the relevant post. This alerts the Mods/Admin team, who can then respond accordingly, taking any appropriate and necessary measures. The forum staff are Moderating / Administrating the forum for free in addition to their own day jobs and therefore can't read every post on the forum.

Further information on the use of the report function can be found in section 5 of the forum rules.


We are all very proud that our forum is one of the friendliest and most open-minded guinea pig places online and we very much rely on your active help to keep it that way. :clap:
What happened? Hope it was nothing bad.
I agree. I love this forum. It has changed the way I look after my pigs and has enriched their lives as well as my own. My life with my pigs has done a 180 since I have been getting advice from forum members. I felt accepted right away. I think all of the admins and mods are top notch. :tu:
I have loved this forum from the day I joined. Such lovely, like minded people. Always so helpful and kind. And all the gorgeous piggies of course. This forum has helped me a lot, not only through giving information, but keeping me going when low. So thank you every body :-) x
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