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Weigh In!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 20, 2015
Reaction score
Wisconsin, USA
On Sunday our weights were:

Nugget - 379 grams
S'more - 330 grams

Today they were:

Nugget - 412
S'more - 348

Is Nugget's weight gain normal? He is the dominant pig.
On Sunday our weights were:

Nugget - 379 grams
S'more - 330 grams

Today they were:

Nugget - 412
S'more - 348

Is Nugget's weight gain normal? He is the dominant pig.

Yes, the average weight gain is between 20-30g in a week. You can try feeding your boys in two bowls about a body length apart, ideally several times a day about as much as they eat in one go - and that goes for the pellets, too. That ensures that Nugget can't hog the majority of the food for himself.
Yes, the average weight gain is between 20-30g in a week. You can try feeding your boys in two bowls about a body length apart, ideally several times a day about as much as they eat in one go - and that goes for the pellets, too. That ensures that Nugget can't hog the majority of the food for himself.

Thank you. I'm going to keep a log of weight gains just to keep a watch. I'll weigh every week. That was a big jump in 2 days!
It can happen! 30g can simply be the difference between a full tummy and bladder and an empty one... ;)

I would recommend to weigh your healthy piggies once weekly at the same time in the feeding cycle. That will give you the best results for comparison. Switch to daily weighing (ideally again at the same time) if your piggy is ill or you suspect an illness brewing.
Thank you so much! I'm going to start weekly weigh ins for sure at ill do them at around the same time! :)
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