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Weight Of 8 week old Pigs


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 14, 2020
Reaction score
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Bear, who is the same size as Nova is 323 grams
Nova is 304 grams, I’m a bit worried that their weight is different, is it normal?
don’t worry, as long as the weight goes up then it’s fine.
Heft is more of a gauge of their overall body condition rather than their weight as piggies come in all different shapes and sizes, one weight which is good for one piggy may not be appropriate for another.
Weight - Monitoring and Management
Welcome to the forum.
Like humans a good weight for one piggy can be over or underweight for another
Pictures would be lovely
Bear, who is the same size as Nova is 323 grams
Nova is 304 grams, I’m a bit worried that their weight is different, is it normal?


Since the birth weight of babies can be between 40-120g (the largest are three times bigger than the smallest survivable weight) nd these differences carry on throughout life, weight charts are simply not worth it. My Nerys was half again the weight to that of her sister Nia (who actually ran my big Tribe group in the first generation); the difference was 500g at the height of their lives. Both have lived to a good to grand old age, so there you are!

Please take the time to read up on our weight guide. It contains important information on how weight changes throughout life, how you check whether your piggies are a good weight for their individual size at any time in life. As long as you feed a good general diet, your piggies will realise their optimal genetically determined size and weight and - if they stay healthy - will have every chance to rather live to the higher end of the average healthy life span than the lower end.
The weight guide will also explain how you monitor weight throughout life and when you need to worry and see a vet.
Weight - Monitoring and Management

To put the weight difference between your two into perspective, it is the difference of two full bladder or an half empty tummy. ;)
I hope that this allays your worries?