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Weird Spots on Guinea Pig


New Born Pup
Jun 20, 2018
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Hey Guys I just joined and I'm nervous because about 1-2 weeks ago my guinea pig has some weird spots on his face and above his eye. I couldn't find what this was so I joined this hoping maybe one of you guys had an idea. I just got my guinea pig about a month ago and I've never had a guinea pig before so I am not experienced at all. Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you in advance if you reply :)

Here are pictures of the weird spot. If you know what it is please tell me because I'm worried about the little guy.


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And welcome. I can see a bald spot around his eye, is that what you’re referring you?

It could be fungal such as ringworm so it is wise to take him to the vet for correct treatment
This looks like the start of ringworm. You can treat at home using canesten athletes foot cream, with the active ingredient clotrimazole. If symptoms get worse or do not improve you will need to consult a vet for treatment.
Wear gloves while treating your pig as it is contagious to humans.
Hopefully you have caught it quickly enough not to spread much more. You should be able to present the vets bill along with the receipt for your guinea pig to the shop where you got him from as exposure will have happened there. If they are a decent pet shop they will refund the cost of your vet bill.
Hey Guys I just joined and I'm nervous because about 1-2 weeks ago my guinea pig has some weird spots on his face and above his eye. I couldn't find what this was so I joined this hoping maybe one of you guys had an idea. I just got my guinea pig about a month ago and I've never had a guinea pig before so I am not experienced at all. Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you in advance if you reply :)

Here are pictures of the weird spot. If you know what it is please tell me because I'm worried about the little guy.

Hi! Please have your guinea pig vet checked for a fungal skin infection, possible ringworm. Ringworm is the most aggressive and transmittable form of fungal, but there are many more.

Thousands of spores are set loose in an acute case; they can stay live for up to 18 months. It is very easy to pick it up and carry it in your coat.
They are sadly not at all uncommon in new guinea pigs; warm and humid weather can also provide the ideal breeding ground.

Good hygiene and a vet grade disinfectant that is effective against fungal spores are essential. Normal pet disinfectants are only anti-bacterial; it a good disinfectant for a deep clean is one of the best investments you can make!

You are sadly past the 2-3 weeks UK and the 31 days 'guarantee' period where you can reclaim any vet fees resulting from shop based exposure and infection.

Please see a good vet for ideally oral systemic treatment (UK: Itrafungol, US: ketoconazole - both are prescription only), especially seeing that the infection is so close to the eye) and do not treat on spec with cheap creams - you do not reach the whole extent, affect the eye and won't take care of any spores in other parts of the body, so more outbreaks are likely.
We cannot (and are not qualified to) diagnose any illness online from pictures without a hands-on examination; but we can tell you when you need to see a vet, what avenues to pursue with them and we can support you with tips during treatment. ;)

Please Take the time to read our ringworm guide. It tells you in pictures exactly how a fungal infection is running its due course and what measures you need to take to get on top of it once and for all! We have learned our tips the hard way over the years; that is why they work.
Ringworm: Hygiene And Pictures

You may also find our new owners' guide collection helpful; it contains information and tips on all the areas that we get the most questions about and that help you avoid or minimise potential problems in the future.
Getting Started - New Owners' Most Helpful Guides

Since we have members from all over the world, we find it very helpful if you please added your country, state/province or UK county to your details so we can always tailor any advice and recommendations to what is available and relevant where you are. Climate, medical and care/food brands, general background, access to vets and rescues differ enormously from country to country. Please click on your username on the top bar, go to account details and then down to location. This makes it appear with every post you make and speeds up things and allows us to give you the most effective advice instead of having to keep it as general as possible. Thank you!