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Welcome To Iola!

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Staff member
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Coventry UK
Over the last weekend, a new ca. 3 year old lady has joined the Tribe. Iola (pronounced Yola), former name Lola, is a bereaved sow very much in need of new company, as her loving mummy doesn't want to continue the seesaw after nursing Lola's husboar through three bouts of recurring cancer, but wants her to be happy. All local rescues are full up and Iola has been waiting for several months. Iola originally fetched up in a very dubious "rescue" after having babies and was adopted by her previous mummy to get her out of there as a companion for her cancer boy.
PS: I adopted Iola sight unseen.

Once Iola had settled in, she had a day of speed dating with various piggies to see who she clicked with and whether or what kind of issues she had so I could adapt any bonding accordingly.

Firstly she met her lookalike Maelog in a long cuddle. Maelog was a bit less interested in her than she in him, but remained an option.

To see how Iola would deal with sows, Maelog's top lady Hedydd paid Iola a quick acceptance visit with a friendly power groom on the fly before she wanted out.

Things went less well with the Tribe #2. Hafren didn't like dominance chinning from Iola and we quickly ended with some mild teeth chattering.

Next up was Hywel, the Tramps husboar. Unfortunately, he soon took exception to Iola's habit of pulling hair quite roughly when power grooming.

A meeting with my master diplomat Terfel, however, was a great success and they hit it off instantly with lots of excited, but friendly wheeking. Here they are having a little rest together in the roaming gazebo.

On the following day, I introduced Terfel's older ladies. Unfortunately, Ffraid took strong exception when Iola overreacted about a couple of hours into the bonding, but bumbling blind Mali and Iola got on well, once Iola realised that Mali wasn't bumping into her intentionally. They have now been together since Monday and have settled down really well with only a short mild dominance phase.

Terfel has certainly picked up a lot since Iola has joined; he sadly lost his bleoved two top ladies Tegyd and Taffy last summer/autumn.
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Iola is beautiful and it sounds like she has found her perfect match.

Which group will Ffraid join now?
Iola is beautiful and it sounds like she has found her perfect match.

Which group will Ffraid join now?

Ffraid is going back to the previous arrangement where she had a pen next to the Tribe, so she can spend the day with them, but have separate veg-free meals and an uncontested warmed cosy for the night.
Lovely. I always look forward to seeing pics of all your piggies. They are all gorgeous.
Welcome Lola, you are very pretty :love: I am sure you are going to love your new home.

Congratulations Wiebke
She is just lovely! She looks very confident in that last photo of the 3 of them & she is showing off a gorgeous nose & lips.
Stunning!:wub: Lovely name. Welcome Iola. How many pigs have you now?
I am back up to two dozen. Iola is the replacement for Taffy.

She is just lovely! She looks very confident in that last photo of the 3 of them & she is showing off a gorgeous nose & lips.
Iola is a well loved and well cared for girl, and it shows. It is the piggies that tell me whether they have been loved, not their previous owners!
She has a spring in her step and is making herself already quite at home! :)
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