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What A Boring Sunday Evening.

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Adult Guinea Pig
Apr 23, 2011
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So I've spent a good part of the last 30 minuets thinking of a interesting thread I could post up...but I have failed. I'm sorry.

However, I am quite bored... television has let me down. & I'm stressing out about my cat :( who I have to take to the vet tomorrow!
Anyway, How is everybody? what is everyone doing with their time on Sunday night?! Does anyone have anything fun to look forward to this week?!
I just want to wish your cat good luck at the vets.

Awwh thank you! She's an old girl now, She meows all the way there.. and all the way back. Its really traumatic :(
Good luck at the vets.

Am just sat watching Ten Things I Hate About You, but I need to get organised and sort my lunch out for tomorrow and do the veg etc.
Well I've given up on revision and taken to winding the OH up. WAHEY. Nothing else to do!

Oh and good luck at the vets!
Good luck at the vets.

Am just sat watching Ten Things I Hate About You, but I need to get organised and sort my lunch out for tomorrow and do the veg etc.

Thank you!
ohhh Ten Things I Hate About You! I've not seen that in yonks! Yeah... I should really get the veggies ready, I need to go into my fridge so that will probably set my little piggie of squeaking for some dindins!
What will you be having for lunch tomorrow?! Thats a really weird thing to ask... I like food.
Well I've given up on revision and taken to winding the OH up. WAHEY. Nothing else to do!

Oh and good luck at the vets!

hahahaha winding up your OH is a good way to spend your time though! My OH is at work tonight :(! So I have literally nothing to do.
What should you be revising?!
hahahaha winding up your OH is a good way to spend your time though! My OH is at work tonight :(! So I have literally nothing to do.
What should you be revising?!
Social and individual psychology. But I'm just gonna get up early and crack on tomorrow now!
It was a great way until he basically made me nearly fall off the bed. Uch.
Social and individual psychology. But I'm just gonna get up early and crack on tomorrow now!
It was a great way until he basically made me nearly fall off the bed. Uch.

Ohhh sounds interesting! Have you got much to do?! I always use to be like that when I was at college, it use to get to a certain time and i'd be like..naaahhh i'll do it tomorrow now! You have to be in the mood for it after all.

Oh dear :( He obviously wasn't impressed. I always end up getting hurt... I fell of my bed and hit my head on the radiator as a result of me annoying him because I was bored. You should tell him to be more entertaining and then you wouldn't have to wind him up! :xd:
Thank you!
ohhh Ten Things I Hate About You! I've not seen that in yonks! Yeah... I should really get the veggies ready, I need to go into my fridge so that will probably set my little piggie of squeaking for some dindins!
What will you be having for lunch tomorrow?! Thats a really weird thing to ask... I like food.

We had vegan roast beef today for dinner, so I have leftovers for lunch, plus I take snacks too which I need to sort out.
Ohhh sounds interesting! Have you got much to do?! I always use to be like that when I was at college, it use to get to a certain time and i'd be like..naaahhh i'll do it tomorrow now! You have to be in the mood for it after all.

Oh dear :( He obviously wasn't impressed. I always end up getting hurt... I fell of my bed and hit my head on the radiator as a result of me annoying him because I was bored. You should tell him to be more entertaining and then you wouldn't have to wind him up! :xd:

Exactly, see that @C&&Frank be more entertaining.

Always the way isn't it we get hurt.

I have tons :( but nevermind and now I'm not sure if the piggies are okay. Stress. Haha.
We had vegan roast beef today for dinner, so I have leftovers for lunch, plus I take snacks too which I need to sort out.

Ohh are you a vegan?! or.. do you just sometimes have vegan meals? That sounds really silly... but I try to have vegetarian meals but I'm not a vegetarian.
Snacks were always my downfall at lunch, id have a really healthy lunch and then take my crisps and junk food, instead of taking an apple or something healthy.
@TheFurryGodmother @C&&Frank
I know, i'm like, "right i'm not play fighting because i'll get... OMG OUCH WHAT DID YOU DO!" and then its the whole 'oh that didn't hurt your overreacting! I only lightly hit your arm that didn't hurt!'. I've heard that 'yeah but I saved you from properly falling', when I collided with the radiator he grabbed my arm just at the last moment.. and said 'I saved you, it could have been worse'

Oh no! whats wrong with your piggies?!
@TheFurryGodmother @C&&Frank
I know, i'm like, "right i'm not play fighting because i'll get... OMG OUCH WHAT DID YOU DO!" and then its the whole 'oh that didn't hurt your overreacting! I only lightly hit your arm that didn't hurt!'. I've heard that 'yeah but I saved you from properly falling', when I collided with the radiator he grabbed my arm just at the last moment.. and said 'I saved you, it could have been worse'

Oh no! whats wrong with your piggies?!

Hopefully nothing, Helen has reassured me and I've done full checks, Frank had hay wedged up his nose, Bert won't stop sneezing. My pigs hate me hahaha. Just keep an eye on them!

And yes exactly that!! He goes 'that didn't hurt' YES IT DAMN DID YOU HORRIBLE BAD PERSON!
@TheFurryGodmother @C&&Frank
I know, i'm like, "right i'm not play fighting because i'll get... OMG OUCH WHAT DID YOU DO!" and then its the whole 'oh that didn't hurt your overreacting! I only lightly hit your arm that didn't hurt!'. I've heard that 'yeah but I saved you from properly falling', when I collided with the radiator he grabbed my arm just at the last moment.. and said 'I saved you, it could have been worse'

Oh no! whats wrong with your piggies?!
Hmm I'm sure I've heard all that before... Just can't think where:twist:
Hopefully nothing, Helen has reassured me and I've done full checks, Frank had hay wedged up his nose, Bert won't stop sneezing. My pigs hate me hahaha. Just keep an eye on them!

And yes exactly that! He goes 'that didn't hurt' YES IT DAMN DID YOU HORRIBLE BAD PERSON!

Oh :( poor Frank! I've had hay up my nose, its not a pleasurable experience, I feel for him. Well I hope there all okay! keep me updated :)

It defiantly does! like they dont know their own strength! and they always pretend to be really hurt when you accidentally poke them in the eye or hit them in the face trying to protect yourself from getting hurt. I always feel really bad if I actually cause pain! then he's all like "Ahhh i'm only joking, got you!"
Ohh are you a vegan?! or.. do you just sometimes have vegan meals? That sounds really silly... but I try to have vegetarian meals but I'm not a vegetarian.
Snacks were always my downfall at lunch, id have a really healthy lunch and then take my crisps and junk food, instead of taking an apple or something healthy.
Yes been vegan for 7 years.
Oh :( poor Frank! I've had hay up my nose, its not a pleasurable experience, I feel for him. Well I hope there all okay! keep me updated :)

It defiantly does! like they dont know their own strength! and they always pretend to be really hurt when you accidentally poke them in the eye or hit them in the face trying to protect yourself from getting hurt. I always feel really bad if I actually cause pain! then he's all like "Ahhh i'm only joking, got you!"
Cai doesn't even say he's joking... he just goes on about me being a bully haha. Like, well you was the bully first - it's like he flicks me and I have a low pain threshold (only have to poke me and I could cry)... 'oh it doesn't hurt'.... flicks himself 'see'.... pain thresholds mate... LOOK IT UP. haha

and I will do!
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