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What Does This Mean? Chirping

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New Born Pup
Jan 10, 2015
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Hello fellow guinea pig forum members!

In the last days, my 4 year old guinea pig has been making this sound:
I'm really not sure what this means, and does it mean anything bad?
He usually does it after i have fed him, or he starts chirping like this in the middle of the night :O
It's like having a bird in the room haha
It is called chirping. so far nobody really knows why piggies chirp; some do it more often than others. Chirping is pretty rare. Some of it may in the way of exressing a warning or distress, but it doesn't by far fit all situations.
It is called chirping. so far nobody really knows why piggies chirp; some do it more often than others. Chirping is pretty rare. Some of it may in the way of exressing a warning or distress, but it doesn't by far fit all situations.
Pretty odd stuff yeah :O No new changes around his cage, so i'm really not sure myself either on what he's trying to say
I have currently got one "singer" who is doing it occasionally. There is usually no obvious reason why she is doing it. Guinea pigs seem to chirp more often in the evenings or at night, but they can do it anytime. It is still one of the big mysteries about guinea pigs!

Chirping can also differ; sometimes it is pretty monotone, but sometimes, it resembles a more melodic birdsong.
Sometimes they just chirp... my understanding is that no one really knows what it means. I've heard two of my pigs chirp on infrequent occasions (and managed to get it on tape as well!) It's been very sporadic... I've probably heard it three or four times in 6 years of having pigs.
:clap:oh wow! thats a lovely recording! rather impressive as very few people manage to record chirping, those little pigglies usually stop when they hear someone or a camera/phone becomes available.

In all the years I've had guinea pigs i only ever remember one of mine doing it-
she had lost her sister quite suddenly & had been on her own for nearly a week whilst i was trying to sort a new friend for her.
On introducing her new companion in the outdoor run with a wire partition, Libby spotted her new friend & ran towards the partition chirping in an excitable fashion, head tilted back, lips all quivering, they were virtually inseparable from day one, they were both approx 5yrs old & sadly Libby died only a few weeks later- but she was so delighted to have company. all soppy old me could do was cry with happiness !:wub:

I think you are very lucky to have a singer in your house, Our late TomTom was our resident singer.
both ches and maisie chirped. i never knew why but they both froze and looked really scared when it happened.
My boy Junior was a chirper the first time he done it was the night before he was due to go in for surgery for an abscess and the 2nd time was in the middle of the night exactly one year to the day we lost little Jack which I found quite spooky :eek:
In all the years (15+) that I have kept piggies, I have only heard that sound three times. The first two times, it was my late Tamsy singing. I thought it was a car alarm! The first time, I looked in on the piggies and there she was, sitting under her wooden bridge with her nose in the air, trilling away! None of the others were taking any notice! This just happened to be two days after I had played this sound on You-tube on my PC, which is in the next room. Its as if she had just remembered it. The third time I heard it was quite recently and I don't remember who it was that was singing. The late Peter Gurney said that it was an alarm call and that the other piggies would freeze at this sound. Its an incredible noise.
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