What Makes Your Guinea Pig/s Popcorn?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 24, 2015
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I was worried about my gp never popcorn img or being happy because he's in his own but he does every time he runs on the rug in my living room lol what makes your gp popcorn
Only my male piggy popcorns. He usually does it just going from one side of the cage to the other. He gets very excited but I never know why. Lol.
Don't worry that they don't popcorn. My Lola is a frantic popcorner, but Lily barely ever does.
All piggies are different!
Yeah they are all different just found it strange he runs over the wooden floor his throw I put down and as soon as he runs on the rug he's popcorning must like the feel of it lol
Only my male piggy popcorns. He usually does it just going from one side of the cage to the other. He gets very excited but I never know why. Lol.
Ha ha my young males are the same :D just going the length of their cage sets them off!
Most of my guineas popcorn when they have floor time
I also used to have a little male called Dennis who would popcorn whenever I fed them-this always made me laugh as he was so busy jumping around with excitement that his best friend Batman used to eat all the best bits :doh:
When they were babies, pretty much everything! Food, just the fun of running around. As they got older, they popcorned less. Mine probably popcorn the most during floor time when they are bouncing around, and more when they are young.
Ha ha my young males are the same :D just going the length of their cage sets them off!
Most of my guineas popcorn when they have floor time
I also used to have a little male called Dennis who would popcorn whenever I fed them-this always made me laugh as he was so busy jumping around with excitement that his best friend Batman used to eat all the best bits :doh:

Haha that is hilarious! My boy popcorns alot, he popcorns when me and my husband come home from work and greet him and he popcorns alot at floor time, he gets so excited. Hes only a small piggy so he can popcorn pretty high!
Mine popcorn when they get a clean cage, new toys and if they go in their cosies. Theyre not very good at it tho, bless them x
For Kasper everything makes him popcorn. Plastic bags, talking to him, his uncle James on the phone, fresh food, new hay and scratches on the head and chin.

Quinn popcorns for pellets and hay :)
Mine hardly ever do, though fuzzums used to at the sound of a refill of hay :-)
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