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What To Do About Cage

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Thanks! And I just got reminded of that money insurance advert on TV with the man in shorts when I saw your post for some reason.

Though, I don't think the wood is strong enough not to move, so I might just have to use books for the time being
Lol :blink: The man that waggles his behind at Sharon Osborne?

Ah I can see that being a problem with the wood looking light and all...
Hehe :))

Also, does anyone know what to use instead of bricks as a border from wires? I won't be able to keep that net up forever and I'd prefer a more solid one in the long run.
I love happy piggies :luv:

But any idea if I should let them (if you call it this) free range during the night as well?
I'd only let them if you are happy that the room is secure, they can't get to anything to chew, can't get anything stuck etc. The room would have to be 100% piggy proof so that they are safe when you aren't watching them.
I think it's up to you letting them night range :cool: They might disappear off somewhere you didn't think that they could get through! Make sure you are happy everything is secure. Or you might want them to go sleep partying in their cage.
You could get c&c grids and attach them together with cable ties.Could make it to any size or shape you want You can get plastic coated ones that are way cheaper than metal grids.Vonhaus interlocking system on eBay, dirt cheap.That is what my c&c cage is made of.
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