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COVID-19 What were your symptoms?


Forum Donator 2023/24
Jul 26, 2019
Reaction score
Barnsley, South Yorkshire
Hi everyone, to those who have unfortunately endured the coronavirus - what were your symptoms? Suddenly feeling myself getting very ill and of course the first thing that comes to mind is this. Still a chance that it isn’t but would like to hear from people with first hand experiences
I’m experiencing constant headaches, warmer temperatures than normal but nothing alarming, sore tightening feeling in throat, muscle aches
Hopefully it's just a simple cold you're getting & not coronavirus :(

I believe I had coronavirus mid March, I was never tested for it but I think I had mild symptoms of darn near everything there was going!

I started with a sore throat on the Friday evening, joined by a tickley cough the day after.

I was exhausted, I would do pretty much diddly squat & need to have a snooze at intervals throughout the day.

I was in bed asleep by 8pm (usually midnight) & was getting up about 8am (usually 6-7am).
I woke in the night (3 or 4nights) wet with perspiration, even my legs were perspiring, I was cold quite a bit during the day (but not once did my thermometer go above 37.2'c ) so I didn't officially have a temperature.

I was sitting in the sun in my enclosed garden (in a jumper - yes in that sun) for about 30 mins a day, I'd sit having a hot cuppa, then I would have to come in to warm up & doze off.

I would cook my food, wear myself out & then not really taste my meals anyway :(

My head had a dull ache for about 10days.

When the pathetic tickley cough I had seemed to improve, I then felt breathless, then the cough came back & I felt like someone was pushing on my chest all the time. That went on for about 2wks.
I've never had any breathing difficulties generally, but was prescribed an inhaler & I got to the stage of willing on the 4th hour, as after the 3rd hour I needed a couple of puffs of the inhaler & up to the maximum 8puffs a day.

I was left after 3wks still exhausted, little appetite, little taste, heavy chested, the occasional cough & the feeling I needed to clear my throat all the time.

I went back to work just after 3wks off ,as the Drs said I'd done my 2wks isolation, but I had an extra week off booked from last year, so I just rolled my time off into that.
I don't think I felt well enough to have gone back after my second week off.
I struggled after 3wks still exhausted!

A few days after I'd been back to work I had very hot, itchy, dry hands & put it down to overdoing the hand sanitisers. Only to wake up with a rash down the side of my face, neck & arms (looked like nettle rash).
The pharmacy gave me some antihistamine tablets & hydrocortisone cream, so settled down after a week.

On the plus side I lost over a stone of my 'heft'!

Does the US have a central website similar to our NHS 111 site?
I'm not sure how the US is dealing with the lock down easing & testing kits, treatments?

Although I had a pretty full range of symptoms, they were mild & I'm still here 3months later, so try not to frighten yourself ill!

Can you try an Internet search on testing kits & guidance for medical intervention?
Please stay isolated until you know if you have c19 or not though.

Stay safe & get well soon :nod:
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I had a fever in May, I had to stay locked up in my room for 5 days, also, common symptoms include headaches, not being able to breathe, fever, coughing, and not being able to smell or taste. Get well soon! :nod::D