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What's On Ruby's Foot?

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Pets Palace TV

Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score
Does anyone know what this could be? I just noticed it today on Ruby's foot...
As Wiebke said, it could be a spur or a bit of poo stuck on the pad. But those nails need cutting. If you take her to the vet, he/she will cut them for you. They are much too long.
Yes it does look like a spur, would you suggest leaving it or not? I have just clipped her nails now.
I would leave it as long as it is not impeding her, but check what that brown stuff in the front of the picture is.
I too am concerned about the darker colour to the front - it suggests that the spur has caught or snagged on something and possibly in the process damaged the pink tissue on her footpad. I would suggest getting this checked by a vet to ensure no infection has set in.
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