Who Has The Weirdest Job?

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Jun 16, 2014
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People often find my job pretty weird or creepy. I'm a dental tech and i make crowns, bridges and dentures, so basically false teeth. People are often a bit creeped out by it. What jobs do you guys do? Weird or not.
I am a Marketing Executive, which sounds cool until I tell you it's for a telecoms wholesaler and my job is basically to make telecoms sound fun...
It has its moments :) I'm looking forward to reading what other people on here do - especially wierd jobs!
Not weird, but a bit unique. I run a FE (so mostly 16 – 19 year olds) college library for what is predominantly a Landbased college. So I get all sorts of unusual visitors to my library…. the African grey parrot from the animal unit, various dogs, ferrets etc. and on one memorable occasion a tank of cockroaches.

I also get visits from marauding groups of Agriculture students – they’re a very special species.

I really enjoy my job. It’s interesting, very rarely are any two days the same and most of the students and staff are great to work with. I was very lucky to land here!
I'm a midwife - some of the stuff I get up to in a day's work is definitely weird and not dinner table talk!

I have a friend who's a midwife and one who is a vet. The chat when they get together can be very graphic.

I really, really don't do blood, gore etc. and can find myself leaving the room to put the kettle on at times when with them.
@AbiS you have the best job. It wasnt until i had my children that i decided i wanted to be a midwife. It is such a fulfilling and rewarding job.
Unfortunatley due to the time it takes looking after a family i felt i couldnt go back to studying too so have had to give the dream up. I did get to be with my sister though when she gave birth to her first :)
Continuing the blood/gore theme, i'm a biomedical scientist who tests and crossmatches blood that is donated! So blood really doesn't bother me! :) I think you all have pretty cool jobs :)
I work in an office... Waste management broker... Might seem dull but you'd be surprised how nasty people can get if their bins haven't been emptied!

One bloke called my manager the C Word!
Same with the fatal car crashes I attend! :eek:
We have to be careful because we develop a really warped sense of humour to cope with bad situations - people who don't have that experience wouldn't understand that we aren't being disrespectful - sometimes it's the only way you can get through a shift!
I have the most boring job in the world - Pensions Administration Co-Ordinator. Been here 13 years though and the no idea what else I could do. If I didn't have any responsibilities and was younger I would train to be a vet nurse.
I'm a mum :) it's the best job in the world I'm very proud of my 3 lovelys, polite, manners, caring and kind, I think I'm doing my job well if I do say so myself ;) ha ha
My other job is horrid and I hate it....grrrr but I have a job so that's something I should be grateful for :)
I'm a mum :) it's the best job in the world I'm very proud of my 3 lovelys, polite, manners, caring and kind, I think I'm doing my job well if I do say so myself ;) ha ha
My other job is horrid and I hate it....grrrr but I have a job so that's something I should be grateful for :)
Being a great mum is the most important job. I have a lovely Stepmum who always put me before herself when I was little and still does so with my younger brother and sister. :luv:
Being a great mum is the most important job. I have a lovely Stepmum who always put me before herself when I was little and still does so with my younger brother and sister. :luv:
Aww that's lovely to hear she must mean the world to you :) , I would make a fantastic step mum I would love them as my own without giving it a second throught and go without for them too as I happly do for my 3. It's lovely to hear you had that love and support from her she is clearly a very lovely person to be this caring to children that aren't her own (if that makes sense) :)
never too late!
:) , I think every day would be soooo rewarding to help to bring a new life into the world....amazing (not that you would bring a baby into this world every single shift I'm sure). I would not know where to start these days to look into it, but I do plan on doing English and maths courses in the new year as they need improving. I would love to work in a cancer unit too that's another dream I have. :)
Wow some of the jobs you guys have are amazing! I'm a cashier in a clothes shop when I'm not at uni, so by no means weird but it certainly can get interesting!
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