Why Are People So Openly Rude?!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 4, 2015
Reaction score
Swindon, UK
SO I'm at work and mention to my two colleagues that I have to leave 20 minutes early today because one of my Guinea Pigs is poorly and I have to take her to the vets.

They proceed to laugh at me and make comments such as 'it's JUST a Guinea Pig, why bother with the vets?' 'why don't you just leave it's door open and let it run away?' and (because I've only just purchased her) 'why don't you take her back and exchange her for another one?'

It amazes me how openly rude people can be about other people's pets! Ok, I understand that not everyone likes Guinea Pigs, but that doesn't mean you can say things like that to someone about their beloved pet! Like I'm just going to go 'Oh, she has crusty eyes and she keeps sneezing but she's JUST a Guinea Pig so sod it, I'll just let her carry on'.

Taking her back to where I bought her and exchanging her isn't an option either, she isn't a mobile phone or a television! She's a living creature, who when I bought her, I took full responsibility for as soon as I parted with my money!

ARGGHH! It really upsets me and has now ruined my day :( I used to get comments like this where I last worked, the most common one was 'why don't you feed them to the snakes?'...WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!

Rant over. :)
It is frustrating because you would be far less likely to hear someone talk like that about a dog or cat. Guinea pigs are just as special and deserve the same treatment and respect. Just ignore them. It says a lot more about them than it does about you x
Its horrible when people are insensitive over the years people have said horrible things to me about my animals. I only tell people who I know are real animal lovers about my pets as I just can't stand the nasty comments and it really puts me off the person.
Unfortunately opinions are like ****holes. Everyone has one.

Some people just don't " do " animals or certain animals but some are just more vocal than others. Some just say things like that to rile another because they are bored.

Different strokes for different folks so just ignore it.

I just try to tell myself that everyone is entitled to their opinion and they have a right to voice it..I really don't mind people who aren't keen on Guinea Pigs, I'm not expecting everybody to love them but when it turns personal and they start making comments about MY Guinea Pig then it really upsets me. They wouldn't like it if I made horrible comments about their children (I don't have any myself but my Guinea Pigs are like my children!).

I've had plenty of conversations with people about their pets, some of which I wouldn't necessarily have myself but I would never go as far as suggesting they feed them to the snakes or similar! Whether it is a fish or an elephant, there is no need for evil comments like that.

What makes it worse is these two women are the only two I share an office with so now I'm stuck in here with them after all those comments they made!
I really am sorry you have to work with such turds. Those comments are so cruel and says a lot about them. If they would let an ill guinea pig just be released then they are sick and evil. Your point about children is very true. We would never joke about handing their children into social services when they misbehave yet they can tell us not to bother with them any more. I have always had these sort of horrible comments and they do really hurt. Huge hugs to you. You are part of a community here were everybody feels the same way about their animals so take comfort from that.
You can feel sorry for them, as they are obviously not fully aware of these endearing little creatures, best kept a secret from people like that. :shh: I get the same at work (especially after I paid for a neutering op for my boar to give him company and make him happier), but do not let it get to you, the piggies will not be upset, and as long as the piggies are happy - what other people think does not matter. :lose:
I'm so sorry for they way they have spoken to you, some people are just so rude and careless. I'd be like, 'well I tell you what next time you can't see properly, don't worry about it you're JUST a human, it's fine for you to sit and suffer and become miserable etc. I hate people like that!
Thanks guys :) It does make me feel a lot better knowing that I've got you all to talk to! I will try not to let them get to me but I've been worrying like mad about my little one and when people say things like that about her it just really hurts :(

I'll try not to let them get to me but it's hard when I sit next to them all blinkin day! Grr! :cen:
SO I'm at work and mention to my two colleagues that I have to leave 20 minutes early today because one of my Guinea Pigs is poorly and I have to take her to the vets.

They proceed to laugh at me and make comments such as 'it's JUST a Guinea Pig, why bother with the vets?' 'why don't you just leave it's door open and let it run away?' and (because I've only just purchased her) 'why don't you take her back and exchange her for another one?'

It amazes me how openly rude people can be about other people's pets! Ok, I understand that not everyone likes Guinea Pigs, but that doesn't mean you can say things like that to someone about their beloved pet! Like I'm just going to go 'Oh, she has crusty eyes and she keeps sneezing but she's JUST a Guinea Pig so sod it, I'll just let her carry on'.

Taking her back to where I bought her and exchanging her isn't an option either, she isn't a mobile phone or a television! She's a living creature, who when I bought her, I took full responsibility for as soon as I parted with my money!

ARGGHH! It really upsets me and has now ruined my day :( I used to get comments like this where I last worked, the most common one was 'why don't you feed them to the snakes?'...WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!

Rant over. :)
Ask them if they would do this with their children or a family member. Your pets become part of the family and I don't treat them any different to any other member of my family. Probably better than some of my family members;-)
I'm sorry you have to put up with those sorts of comments from ignorant 'jokers' with the sensitivity of sea fleas! I have been there too with colleagues and after some stern words, most of them don't bother any more. I hope your piggy gets better soon x
I'm thinking of all sorts of things I should have said to them! I don't care anymore, they don't know what they're missing not having these amazing little creatures in their lives so I guess I'm having the last laugh really! :D
My boyfriend used to think that they 'were just guinea pigs' until he has spent more time with them. He doesn't think they are amazing or anything like that but he has totally changed his views. These people have clearly never loved or been given love by these wonderful creatures.
After just dealing with an infantile little rat who was more insulting than anything I've come across.

I'm for one sorry you had to deal with that, I to get the same, but by now people have started to realise that my babies mean more to me than humans and their comments.

Well done you for doing what you need to, I got laughed at for my Tutor for saying I was stressed out and not coping with work as Frank was so ill.

People are mean, ignore them hold your head up, you have an amazing animal and it's there choice to miss out and not experience their amazingness!

I really don't understand people like that. I found people were the same with me when I took on Bobbi. She developed an eye infection within a day of me having her and instantly people were telling me to take her back and exchange her for another one. I would never do that. I would want to make sure her eye was better myself than take her back so some shop who probably wouldn't care and let it get worse! Now that I have spent the time and patience with her, her eye is fine whereas I think it would be a different story if I had taken her back.
I hate people like that, luckily my work are understanding though I suspect a few comments were made when I literally ran out of the office at 3pm yesterday to meet the OH who had rushed one of ours to the vets.
I really don't understand people like that. I found people were the same with me when I took on Bobbi. She developed an eye infection within a day of me having her and instantly people were telling me to take her back and exchange her for another one. I would never do that. I would want to make sure her eye was better myself than take her back so some shop who probably wouldn't care and let it get worse! Now that I have spent the time and patience with her, her eye is fine whereas I think it would be a different story if I had taken her back.

You couldn't have said it better, how could I possibly take her back to the pet shop knowing that she isn't well and that they most likely wouldn't do anything about it?! I wouldn't be able to sleep at night!

I've taken Poppy to the vets tonight and she's been prescribed antibiotics and eye drops. I was so relieved to know that it is treatable and that it isn't likely to develop into anything life threatening! From what the vet said though, she's lucky I bought her when I did cause if I hadn't it could have developed into pneumonia had no one at the pet shop noticed it!
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