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Why does it have to be one thing after the other :(


Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 6, 2020
Reaction score
Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria
I am so overwhelmed and fed up. This last year has just been one thing after another and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. First Benito got ill which was a 3 week battle, then Cornelius went on a food strike for 3 days without any apparent reason, Buttons had her spay where the recovery took my full 2 week holiday (the only 2 week holiday I had last year) + 2 more weeks when I was back at work, Cornelius had a UTI and stopped eating for 10 days because of the antibiotics and today, when I went to give them their breakfast, Cornelius was awaiting me with a swollen right cheek. I had a feel around and I‘m pretty sure I can feel an abscess on his lower jaw.. I also think his back teeth are overgrown because he seems to be getting food stuck more often than usual for him.

I can‘t tell you how defeated I feel at the minute. I have a few days away planned next week which I will likely have to cancel because I don‘t have anyone to potentially flush the abscess or syringe feed him if he isn‘t eating. I‘m starting a (rather demanding) new job in 2 weeks which is further away so I can‘t come home and syringe feed during lunch like I used to do when they‘re unwell. I was so excited about my little getaway and starting my new job and now all I am is worried, yet again.

I find it really difficult enjoying the pigs ever since our health problems started because I‘m constantly afraid what the next thing will be that is wrong. I love them so so much but I can‘t deal with any more health issues.

Sorry for the negative post, I didn’t know who else to talk to because no one really understands what it feels like. :(
I'm so sorry for all that you are going through at the moment. I feel you. I only have 2 piggies but at the moment, Bryce isn't well, and I'm still awake making sure he passes poop at this moment. He looks comfy sleeping in his bed at the moment so at least that's a relief that he isn't going to statis. He was only supposed to be checked for his leg/hip pain he was having for the last 4 weeks but last week I noticed that he had abscess in his neck again (this is the 3rd time he had it in the same area since we adopted him in 2021). Anyway, abscess is gone we think but he is still recovering from the side effect of gas during his op last week (it happened as well during his previous op). He isn't eating by himself so we are syringe feeding and hand feeding to make sure he eats. In addition to that, Whitney started challenging him for the top pig position right after the op so they are currently separated since Tuesday last week until Bryce gets better and we can bond them again. We haven't had much sleep since last week.

We were supposed to go to the Philippines last night to visit my family for 2 weeks but we had to cancel it and rebook it for November. We can't leave the piggies to the boarding and let them handle Bryce, so we decided to postpone the flight. With all these cost of everything (money, emotional aspects, plus hubby's health issues), hubby decided that Bryce and Whitney will be our last piggies. It does take a toll when everything piles up. We're just hoping that both piggies still have a few more years with us.
I'm very sorry!
Sick piggies really can be a strain. Especially with their perfect timing trying to ruin every holiday they can get their paws on.
I'm already starting to get nervous about my holiday in June because Odi's teeth are getting a bit worse again. Bonny is mysteriously loosing weight and Tessy has got an enlarged thyroid.
Also getting up half an hour early for the last months hasn't been much fun. But Odi needs his veggies handfed and I love my little boy.

Sending you both massive healing vibes and positive vibes for you as well.
I’m so sorry to hear about your piggies. They bring so much joy but when they’re poorly it’s so hard. Just a thought but have you tried social media for any local piggie owners who might be able to provide some help as you settle into your new job? I resorted to local town Facebook groups when I realised my entire local piggie support network would be away at the same time as us for a family wedding. Mine are both elderly, on meds and one is partially sighted. Surprisingly I found there are piggie and ex piggie owners in the village I live in. Might be worth a try x
Sending support :hug:
You’re going through a tough and stressful time with your piggies it’s no wonder you’re feeling so deflated with it all. It will get better though! I tend to have bad fazes with my animals too, in fact I’m going through one right now as well. So I completely understand how stressful and mentally time consuming it is.
Hang in there, your piggies are lucky to have you taking such good care of them. Hopefully soon the bad patch will be over and all will be calm again :luv:
Sending everyone who is struggling with poorly piggies big hugs :hug: Poorly piggies are like buses nothing for ages then they all arrive at once and always poorly when you have made plans to go away or Friday afternoon.
I hope all you poorly piggies get better soon 🤞

This last 6 months have been quite difficult, two hay pokes, one UTI, one suspicious lump removed and then losing my beautiful Ginger out if the blue 😟
So sorry that you’re having such a rough time.
Sick piggies are exhausting both physically and emotionally.
Holding you in my heart ❤️
Thank you everyone for your kind and supportive messages. I did cry a little when I read them all but I really needed them. I‘m so grateful for the community I have here ❤️

I spent my day yesterday taking care of myself & my mental health and just took a day off everything. Spent the day cooped up in my mum‘s garden reading, watching the little foal in the neighbouring field & enjoying the sun. And I honestly really needed that too!

Today I took Cornelius to the vet. She had a good prod and feel at the lump and isn’t super concerned for now (it hasn’t grown at all since Sunday which is a relief). She checked his teeth and said they‘re mostly fine - he has a few spurs and we booked him in for a dental on 23rd May. While he‘s under she‘ll also take an x ray of his jaw and check the lump in more detail and remove it if necessary. Little bubba is absolutely fine in himself - eating, begging and annoying his wife as usual so I‘m trying to not be concerned either and just let him bumble about with his little lump.

Again thank you all for your messages & I‘m sending hugs to everyone with unwell piggies. You‘re not alone ❤️
A day out to recharge your batteries is a very good idea. I wish it was warm enough to sit outside here!
Sending everyone who is struggling with poorly piggies big hugs :hug: Poorly piggies are like buses nothing for ages then they all arrive at once and always poorly when you have made plans to go away or Friday afternoon.
I hope all you poorly piggies get better soon 🤞

This last 6 months have been quite difficult, two hay pokes, one UTI, one suspicious lump removed and then losing my beautiful Ginger out if the blue 😟
Oh I am so sorry to hear about Ginger, she was a special little girl. :( I remember her and Posh well when they moved in with you - or rather with Ted. It‘s so sad, when they leave us but at I‘m sure her late husboar was waiting for her on the other side of the bridge. ❤️