Why Does My Gp Do This?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 24, 2015
Reaction score
I've had my gp Chucky for about a month now but lately I've noticed at floor time he tried to jump up onto where his cage is. I put him on the floor and there is a shelf in which his cage is on so he try's to get back up there, he's even managed to jump up a few times I just wondered why he does this?
He obviously would like to get back into his cage?
He obviously would like to get back into his cage?
I guessed that lol but it's when I've just got back from work so I take him out and let him roam free but sometimes he instantly does this :/
Is there are way you could build a little ramp so can get in and out? I know that mine love doing this; there are days when they are full of beans and others when they prefer to just put their nose out and go back to sleep...
That's a good idea I'll get my hubby to make one tomorow :)
Is there are way you could build a little ramp so can get in and out? I know that mine love doing this; there are days when they are full of beans and others when they prefer to just put their nose out and go back to sleep...
Mine always make a leap to the cage when I am putting them back in. I think a ramp is a great idea so that he has the option to come and go. My pigs are at floor level and can walk up and down the door to go in or out, and they enjoy doing this throughout the day. The cage door leads out to a gated area with a few toys and I put down treats in the hall for them in the evening, so they can't get up to anything if they go out.
My piggies get really excited when they think they are going back to their cage after their floor time as they know they get a whole large bunch of fresh hay to eat and play in.
It also means I don't have to chase them, previous pigs have jumped into my arms with excitement, Coco sits and waits patiently to be picked up, my youngest Casper still runs away but he is getting better at allowing me to pick him up now. It does make me laugh when they start to squeak and get excited at 8pm, I say to them, "Its not bedtime yet!", by 9.30 they expect there Supper and bed :)
I unfortunately do not have the option of a ramp, but its sounds like a great idea if you can.
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