Will Boar Ever Be Unafraid

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 11, 2014
Reaction score
Dundee, Scotland
Hi this question has probably been asked a hundred times so I apologise for that but I wanted some advice.
I've had my boar about a year now and he's still really skittish, he runs and hides whenever you go anywhere near him on the floor or his cage there is never a relaxed moment, when he's held he shivers in fear I would assume and pees on me. He will take food from the hand with a bit of effort and patience. Its kind of depressing because I want what's best for him and he seems sad.

I got him with his brother which has moved to live with a friend due to fighting and bloodshed. That pig is now really social he comes and asks for attention at his cage but he was always the more confident out of the two.
My friends have a boar who is unbelievably laid back he's older though but his behaviour is polar opposite to my pig I don't think a bomb would scare him.

I wonder have i done something wrong with my guinea pig brought him up bad or something.
He gets vegetables every day, attention all the time and I've given up half my living room with his permanent play area next to his cage. I got him and his brother neutured 2 weeks ago. To get them both female friends soon, I thought maybe he'd be more confident with his own kind for company but I don't know if that does help or if I'll just have two terrified guinea pigs.

Anyways any advice or previous experience that helped you would be much appreciated thanks
I don't think you've done anything wrong... some guinea pigs are more fearful and skittish than others. Bonding him with a friend may make a big difference. Guinea pigs really do better with companionship. One of my pigs just has an anxious personality and she does far better with company than alone. When she was between companions after one passed away, she was very skittish and fearful and anxious and hard to approach, and this was a pet we had for 4.5 years who obviously knew us well and had previously been settled. She resumed her normal behavior again once she had a new friend to live with. For her, at least, she cannot relax and be confident without another pig around, even with people she is accustomed to.
Hi this question has probably been asked a hundred times so I apologise for that but I wanted some advice.
I've had my boar about a year now and he's still really skittish, he runs and hides whenever you go anywhere near him on the floor or his cage there is never a relaxed moment, when he's held he shivers in fear I would assume and pees on me. He will take food from the hand with a bit of effort and patience. Its kind of depressing because I want what's best for him and he seems sad.

I got him with his brother which has moved to live with a friend due to fighting and bloodshed. That pig is now really social he comes and asks for attention at his cage but he was always the more confident out of the two.
My friends have a boar who is unbelievably laid back he's older though but his behaviour is polar opposite to my pig I don't think a bomb would scare him.

I wonder have i done something wrong with my guinea pig brought him up bad or something.
He gets vegetables every day, attention all the time and I've given up half my living room with his permanent play area next to his cage. I got him and his brother neutured 2 weeks ago. To get them both female friends soon, I thought maybe he'd be more confident with his own kind for company but I don't know if that does help or if I'll just have two terrified guinea pigs.

Anyways any advice or previous experience that helped you would be much appreciated thanks
My gp is exactly the same but only had him a week so don't now if he's gonna be the same when he's more used to me, I'm not really of any help just wanted to see what other experienced owners would say about it
I don't think you've done anything wrong... some guinea pigs are more fearful and skittish than others. Bonding him with a friend may make a big difference. Guinea pigs really do better with companionship. One of my pigs just has an anxious personality and she does far better with company than alone. When she was between companions after one passed away, she was very skittish and fearful and anxious and hard to approach, and this was a pet we had for 4.5 years who obviously knew us well and had previously been settled. She resumed her normal behavior again once she had a new friend to live with. For her, at least, she cannot relax and be confident without another pig around, even with people she is accustomed to.

Thanks that's encouraging news, excited to get him a friend it'll be good too see him happy even if its with a guinea pig Instead of me
Hi, my piggy Triko was a very quiet and fearful boy when he was alone, but he fought with both the boars I introduced him with. eventually I had him neutered and introduced him with a baby girl, now he is much more confident and relaxed, he chats with his girlfriend all day long, he comes sniffing my hands whenever I approach, I am very satisfied of the result! But I must say I was very worried when he did not go along with other boars and the decision to neuter him was very hard to take.
My boy and girl have been living together from last April and never had a tiff.
I may add that Triko used to bite when he was without a companion, now he has completely stopped! A companion may make a difference for a guinea pig.
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