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Will This Mean They Won't Get On

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Pig crazy

Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 6, 2015
Reaction score
I have a single boar and two sows who live next to each other in cages until tigger can be neutered we thought this would allow him to talk and see the other pigs before he lives with them. When we have Sofa time with them and they always snuffle each other whilst we hold them to stop any unwanted accidents however tigger makes a weird purring/chirping noise and snowflake runs away. Does this mean they won't get on when they live together? Thanks :)
The noise Tigger makes is to assert his dominance. With guinea pigs one is dominant and they express this through the noise you mention, chasing and mounting. This is just how guinea pig hierarchy works and does not mean they will not get on.

Although you are being careful I would not put Tigger with Snowflake until six weeks after his neutering. It will frustrate him and it only takes a second for an accident to happen.
The noise Tigger makes is to assert his dominance. With guinea pigs one is dominant and they express this through the noise you mention, chasing and mounting. This is just how guinea pig hierarchy works and does not mean they will not get on.

Although you are being careful I would not put Tigger with Snowflake until six weeks after his neutering. It will frustrate him and it only takes a second for an accident to happen.
Ok Thankyou :)
Rumbling is what boars do; ithey tell the sows what a smashing lad they are and how much they fancy them. You cannot tell how they'll react when they come face to face, but please wait until his 6 weeks wait is up.
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