Winter Hell!

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 27, 2013
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I seriously do not understand what is the love for snow! I hate it with a passion especially ice!

Slipped over tonight and landed straight on my elbow and probably gonna have a nice bruise. From elbow to hand is aching! Was shocked, went into a panic as lost my phone and iPod, stressing and thankfully saw it on the floor where I fell.

Cannot wait for everything to be back to normal.
I know what you mean! The ice has been lethal! I can't take the dog out on her lead because she gets too excited and almost pulls me over every time.

The roads are getting a little better. The main ones anyway. Can't wait to just get back to normal.
I'm back in the thick of it tomorrow after 3 days off. An early morning hoar frost normally means sheet black ice on the motorway surface. The 2 times I have dealt with it, the first time dealing with a 5 vehicle RTC, police car in lane 3, car sees us, slams on brakes and barrel rolls down carriageway, coming to stop inches from police car. I help the driver out and just get to the hard shoulder when a articulated lorry, hits the centre barrier and jack knifes across lanes 1, 2 and 3 straight at me. I grabbed the driver from the crashed car I had rescued and sprinted up the embankment, the wagon missed us by inches and continued on his journey. The second one involved nearly 100 vehicles across a 2 mile distance effectively cutting off the main west coast road artery into Scotland, we couldn't even send cars on the diversion route as that was blocked by an overturned wagon that had slipped on ice! :eek:
I find it crazy that you seem to be getting more snow lately than we are! I have to admit though, that I am definitely one of those people that love snow ;) But that being said, we are more equipped to deal with the problems that snow presents as it's just a way of life for us and we don't face the hardships that you do over there when it falls! :(
I'm back in the thick of it tomorrow after 3 days off. An early morning hoar frost normally means sheet black ice on the motorway surface. The 2 times I have dealt with it, the first time dealing with a 5 vehicle RTC, police car in lane 3, car sees us, slams on brakes and barrel rolls down carriageway, coming to stop inches from police car. I help the driver out and just get to the hard shoulder when a articulated lorry, hits the centre barrier and jack knifes across lanes 1, 2 and 3 straight at me. I grabbed the driver from the crashed car I had rescued and sprinted up the embankment, the wagon missed us by inches and continued on his journey. The second one involved nearly 100 vehicles across a 2 mile distance effectively cutting off the main west coast road artery into Scotland, we couldn't even send cars on the diversion route as that was blocked by an overturned wagon that had slipped on ice! :eek:
How scary!
I hate the ice and snow. Love it when I can just look at it all pretty, or walk the dogs in the snow but driving or anything else is a nightmare!
I'll be riding to work on my motorbike again tomorrow, as I have since the weekend before Xmas (I worked the Xmas holidays). Daredevil it seems but I'm used to this weather and it doesn't bother me, and adding to that the snow/ice isn't very bad this end of the country.

I had a high speed crash whilst learning to ride a motorbike when I served in the Royal Military Police 26 years ago, since that day, I have stuck to 4 wheeled patrol vehicles. ;)
I had a high speed crash whilst learning to ride a motorbike when I served in the Royal Military Police 26 years ago, since that day, I have stuck to 4 wheeled patrol vehicles. ;)
That's totally me too! I bought a little dirt bike 150 cc (top speed probably about 50 km ;) ) about two years ago. Thankfully, I'm a little bit smart about safety gear so when I spun out on a patch of gravel I was wearing a neck brace, helmet, elbow guards, wrist guards, and a chest protector. I still managed to take off quite a bit of skin off my shoulder and scrubbing pebbles out of your skin is no fun! Of course, I was a dummy wearing a t-shirt (ironically it was a picture of a beaver sticking out from under a felled tree and it said "irony hurts". Hehe). From that point on I also decided that I was made for things with four wheels ;)
That's totally me too! I bought a little dirt bike 150 cc (top speed probably about 50 km ;) ) about two years ago. Thankfully, I'm a little bit smart about safety gear so when I spun out on a patch of gravel I was wearing a neck brace, helmet, elbow guards, wrist guards, and a chest protector. I still managed to take off quite a bit of skin off my shoulder and scrubbing pebbles out of your skin is no fun! Of course, I was a dummy wearing a t-shirt (ironically it was a picture of a beaver sticking out from under a felled tree and it said "irony hurts". Hehe). From that point on I also decided that I was made for things with four wheels ;)
The bikes we were learning to drive were 750cc Armstrongs - so very big, powerful bikes! :eek:
The bikes we were learning to drive were 750cc Armstrongs - so very big, powerful bikes! :eek:
Yikes! I was a little wary of my baby bike! I've seen my friends buddies on the huge dirtbikes. I literally have to tilt them over to the side just to get on! And I'm not ridiculous short at 5' 7"! I would much prefer to be hanging off of helicopter skids apparently ;)
I am in cornwall on hols this week no snow here.but snow in leicestershire,ive decided I'm going to bring my five piggies in over the winter.if i do not like the cold weather,I'm sure my guinea pigs will not.can anyone suggest a good size run to use inside,cages are 120 in length and 80 wide,only use as temporary home.thanks
I'm 6 foot tall and was 200lbs of solid muscle and I struggled with the bike, my feet couldn't touch the floor unless I tilted it, and it was kick start!
I completely agree. I absolutely hate snow. I haven't left the house into it yet. Thankfully I haven't desperately needed too (although it has caused a very boring 5 days). Going shopping with my mum and sister today though, so I have to prepare myself!

It looks so pretty for the first day. But then you realise how dangerous it becomes once people start walking and driving in it! And when its melting, then freezing, then melting, then freezing! Ugh, it's the worst:(

I can't wait for it too leave now, so I can leave the house safely again! Haha!
Why does everyone hate snow! :no: I love snow! Even though haven't encountered it in a while :P It must have been horrible to slip! Ouch! But at least you get to build snow mans and have snow ball fights! Well if there's enough snow :))
That sounds painful. I hate snow too unless I don't have to go anywhere. We have none at the moment though did have a few flurries on Boxing Day, it was very frosty this morning though.
That sounds painful. I hate snow too unless I don't have to go anywhere. We have none at the moment though did have a few flurries on Boxing Day, it was very frosty this morning though.
I think it will be 7 degrees tomorrow, maybe the snow will be melted a bit.
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