Woman Charged With Neglect Of 130 Guinea Pigs

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The really sad thing is that I have seen something very similar local to me. Makes me wonder how many piggies are in those conditions.
I would love to know what is going on in the mind of someone who does this. I doubt it is simple intentional neglect. I wonder if its a symptom of mental health problems like animal hoarding. Which does not make it less wrong of course.......
I saw this on facebook earlier and the picture of that poor guinea pig that had climbed up the wire gave me a shock. I've never seen any guinea pig climb up a wire before, standing on hind legs with two front paws on the bars many times but never climbing like that.
That messy cage where the piggies barely fit was shocking too. Poor things. I'm glad they all have homes now.
I would love to know what is going on in the mind of someone who does this. I doubt it is simple intentional neglect. I wonder if its a symptom of mental health problems like animal hoarding. Which does not make it less wrong of course.......

Poor pigs:-( The person responsible really shouldn't be allowed to keep animals ever again!
@Davey-cavy I agree, if it was intentional neglect then no animals should be kept by that person ever again, and if it was due to a mental health problem or a situation getting out of control (I have seen something similar but with horses when my dad worked for a horse sanctuary, and it was all linked to a marriage break up and the person's health break down) I would want to see a demonstration that the person now had the ability and understanding to properly care for animals, and in an ideal utopian universe, I would want to see regular ongoing checks on the condition and care of the animals. If only we had the resources as a nation to run a kind of "Social Services" for animals :(
Oh, those poor little piggies. Thank heaven they're all out of that mess. If there's one thing I can't stand its cruelty to animals.
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