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Worried about Sam

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 7, 2009
Reaction score
Chester le Street
For the last few days we've noticed Sam's eyes have been very watery, and the fur around his eyes is quite wet. I cleaned both eyes with some cooled boiled water but it hasn't helped. He seems fine in himself, but he's secreting alot of the cleaning fluid stuff they produce. Do you think it could be some sort of infection? I'm a bit stumped as to what it can be. I've looked on guinealynx and it looks nothing like any of the photos they have on there of the various eye problems they can get. I'm hoping it's something I can treat myself as I'm going to struggle to be able to get him to the vet as I'm already off work 1 day a week to go with Steven for his treatment in Birmingham so can't really ask for any more time off
Hmmm if it is both eyes I would think maybe an infection.

If only one eye maybe a wee bit hay caught in it? My piggie Sam had a runny eye for a few days he had an appointment for the vet and then it just cleared.

I am sure other members can be of more help....hope he is ok x
Thats what I'm worried about, as if it is I don't know when I'm going to be able to take him to the vets. I'll try to get a pic tomorrow, though I'm not sure how much help it'll be as there's not really much to see. Should I try optrex or is it best not to put anything in his eyes incase it causes further irritation?
You could try optrex infected eye drops. I know these are used quite safely for guinea pigs. Hope it clears up quickly. :)
Possible causes could include
a) dry eyes due to central heating or (in summer) persistent draught/air conditioning.....or dust
b) allergy to bedding......e.g. washing powder/conditioner etc or a particular batch of hay
c) allergy to cleaning chenicals or air fresheners.....or other aerosol such as fly spray
c) infection....either in the eyes or as the start of a respiratory infection

Optrex infected should help - but be alert for change in coat condition or respiratory problems.....if the conjuntiva/inner lids on the eyes look red then its possibly eye infection only so if optrex doesn;t work you will need a presription for fucithalmic ointment

Might also be worth gving a Vit C boost.......

Thanks for that. They aren't kept next to a radiator so it doesn't get too hot where their cage is. I noticed the last batch of hay we got seemed a little more dusty then usual so perhaps that is causing irritation? I gave him a thorough check over ( much to his disgust! ) and couldn't see anything else wrong ( nose is clear, breathing sounded fine, ears were clear, no problems with his bits ) his coat hasn't changed condition. I haven't changed their bedding as they're on fleece and still use the same washing powder. I also don't spray air freshners downstairs incase it irritates them so I don't think it can be that. I follow the ratewatchers diet for them so he should be getting enough vitamin c from that, but I do have vitamin c supplements I keep in their first aid box I can give as well.

I know it sounds horrible saying I can't get him to the vets, normally I would, just with out circumstances at the moment it's going to be difficult. I'll get the optrex drops on my lunch today and try those and if there's no improvement by Monday I'll have to see if I can get him to the vets.
One of my piggies has exactly the same thing! some days they arn't watery at all but then the odd day they are, hes fine in himself, no other symtoms, stable weight. In my case I use woodshaving, so I think this must be causing it as I've found it dusty lately. So I'm going to try changing his bedding, I can't think what else it could be :{

I hope Sam's eyes clear up soon :)

Rachel x
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