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Oct 10, 2010
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Hi all I am new to this site as of 5 mins , think piggie has uri but cant get to vet till morning what can i do , symptons only came on late today and have only just found out about url any advice would be appreiciated.
Please can you tell us what the symptoms are that led you to suspect that your piggie has URI?

..and whereabouts in the country are you?

Hi thanks for replying
He has a wheezing noise when he breaths, he is still nibbling but has slowed down from when it was first noticed. I assume that it is uri as daft as it sounds looked on net and followed a link to you tube and there was a piggie making same wheezing . I am just out side of Hull
Before you surspect that, how much hay do you use? My pig wheezes all the time becaus ehe has hayfever, his lungs are clear but his nose wheezes.
we allways put a good amount of hay in for them as they live outside in the summer months or till weather turns , hes 6 year old and never made these noises before
Vets tomorrow morning first thing........this is an emergency.

Have you any Vit C tablets (without zinc) that you can grind up with water and feed him tonight? He needs 30-50mg total dosage.

Is he eating....is he pooing?

if he is not then try and mash up some food pellets in warm boiled water and feed them to him. on a spoon as the most important thing atm is to keep his guts going...

Sounds like he will need an antibioitic (either baytril or septrin)..come back tomorrow and let us know the antibioitic and dosage your vet has given you.

NB you will also need syringes (1ml wirth 0.1m graduations) and PROBIOITIC (Biolapis or fibreplex) to counteract the disturbance to normal gut flora caused by the antibioitic.....get your vet to give you these while you are there as our piggie can;t wait...........(you can start tobuild up your piggie first aid kit by buying more from an alternative supplier)

As for cavy savvy vets in Hull...these guys might be able to recommend someone


I can only agree with the tips Pebble has given you. Make sure that he gets enough food and vitamin C and please have him seen by a vet as soon as you can tomorrow. Keep him warm and comfy tonight!

You could try to get some children's sudafed from the pharmacy and give him up to 0.2ml up two twice a day to help ease any congestion.

Make sure that you ask for probiotics at the vets; at his age, it is important that he keeps his guts and weight as much as possible.

All the best!
we can not get through answer phone !!! other local vet can get through till very early hours at best. Can our other piggie catch this ie infectious and what causes this . He is wheezing alot but have just put some cuecumber in for him and he seems to be nibbling at that
IF.......and only if...it is a bacterial or viral URi then yes your other piggie can catch it. HOWEVER.....there iso pus from the nose etc so it is likely that while it could be infectious it is not THAT infectious and as long as you observe proper hygeine (ie wash hands in antibacterial stuff between piggies) then there shouldnt; be too much of a problem....unless of course both piggies have been living together for the last couple of months

Get to vet - take both of them in separate carriers...and get treatment for both of them.

Prevention in piggies is often a lot better than cure

HTH - Pm me for my phone number if you need an immediate conflab tomoz...I am home most of the day


Bloomin forum rules...I can;t PM you my phone number so here it is:
01342 825336

Any weirdos beware rolleyesrolleyes

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