New Born Pup
Hi all , My 7 year old guinea pig boy Fudge died just before Christmas , since I decided this time to have 2 gps for company I started looking around rescues etc I had been looking for a couple of weeks as I really wanted to try rescue route first , long story short I fell in love with 2 little boars from pets at home, brought the little creatures home , after 6 days noticed my smallest boy was wheezing and crackling noises so he has been on antibiotics for 2 weeks, all good now, HOWEVER , Jerry The little one on antibiotics is now getting bullied by Tom, it isn't constant but the fighting is horrible to see , teeth chattering , big yawns showing teeth and I heard Jerry give the biggest steal and Tom had his fur in his mouth, I now feel in a massive dilemma , I need to move them to the outside hutch to give them more space but then I can't keep an eye on them , I am so scared that Tom is going to hurt Jerry , I couldn't bear it , I am at this moment feeling incredibly guilty because if I have to separate them then I will have 2 unhappy single pigs as I could not go down the route of worrying about bonding and neutering to 2 females , I can't have 4 guinea pigs , as I have space outdoors but in winter not enough space for 4 inside. I hadn't bargained on spending everyday worried sick they will kill each other, I have had them 3 weeks and they approx 12-14 weeks old
LouiseD, 38 minutes ago
LouiseD, 38 minutes ago