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Youtube Video Upload - Floyd!

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Sep 26, 2011
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Please find a video attached of Floyd - this is why I am struggling so much to get treatment on him.

I need to get it around the eye area - here on the video he is only doing slight flicking, when I try anything else such as applying cream or trying to get near his eye it's absolutely manic! The wheeking is horrendous, he will kick and claw and flick and there's absolutely no way I can get near him.

Also concerned that his extreme reaction is an indication that something more serious is wrong? I noticed him doing this even when Manny touches him. I have wondered though whether it's because Manny has nipped him. I don't think Manny does it in a mean way - but when Floyd is blocking his way out etc - I think Manny bites him to get him to move. Manny is deffinietly a bitey guinea pig! He has no issue asserting his dominance over me or Floyd with a bite! But they aren't blood drawing bites. I'm hoping it's just his hormonal phase as I worked out he must be coming up 4-5 months now.

On the other post is a picture of Manny's skin a week after his treatment - grateful if people can tell me if it's a) healing, b) a fungal or parasetic condition?


Secondly, how do I help Floyd? - advice such as put him on your knee, use a cotton bud - I'm really grateful for, but it's just not doable! Even though Manny is more bitey - he will stay still (as you can see from the picture) so that I can put treatment on. He won't let me pick him up, but will let me have a snoop about!

Anyone used any solution they've made up that can be squirted on? Particularly around the eye area? That sounds horrible but he needs the treatment and I just can't get to him properly. The only other way would be to have me and my OH use force and restraint and I really don't want to do that until I've tried other ideas. I'm trying to get my piggies to trust me!

Many thanks!
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