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  1. Kmm399

    Metacam and Baytril dosage

    Hi , my guinea pig Cookie is 3 y and 8 months old and he got a URI caught very early. He has been to the vet today and she prescribed him 0.58 ml cat metacam once daily and 0.58 ml baytril twice daily. He has been on these medications before and I am sure the dosage has never been so high. I...
  2. Rogue_runner

    Mixing baytril with foodstuff

    Hi there! So my girl has a rather nasty UTI, and is on a long course of baytril + anti-inflammatories. So far we've seen good improvement, but she is a literal NIGHTMARE to get the baytril in to, and after a week she hates me, and is getting more and more difficult to wrangle. I can manage, but...
  3. Florenceandwillow

    Unwell Guinea

    Hi all, I have been doing some research and would like some advice if possible regarding our unwell guinea pig, willow, a four year old rescue. Four days ago I noticed she had a runny nose and was sneezing. We took her to the vet who said she had a respiratory infection and prescribed her...
  4. G

    Baytril Concerns- Possible UTI? (Urgent)

    Hello all! I have a guinea pig named Meeko; she is 5.5 years old! I adopted her from a rescue since she was a month old, so I have watched her through all of her life stages! This past weekend, I noticed that she was sitting hunched/fluffed out in her pigloo. (It's clear so it was easy to see...
  5. PiggyPack

    Baytril not working?

    Hi all! I’ve made a new thread on here as my other one wasn’t receiving any replies. I have three pigs who’ve been on Baytril for over 2 weeks now and I have seen very little progress. They began gaining weight and being a bit more energetic, but that was about it, their snot also cleared...
  6. caitlinrhoswen

    Length of time for baytril/metacam (ear infection)

    Hi, My guinea pig Butter (3yo neutered boar) has an ear infection. We went to our exotic vet on 21st and he was given 10ml baytril (0.5ml x1 per day) and 10ml metacam (0.5ml x2 per day). He's actually finished his painkillers now (30th December) but I have extra at home. The vet didn't tell me...
  7. O

    Old Man Nibbler Sick

    Hi everyone! My wife and I have an elder 6.5 year old boar named Nibbler who is battling a few illnesses right now that have us really concerned. We are located in the US and can kindly use some assistance, feedback, and personal experiences. My apologies in advance for the incredibly long...
  8. S

    Stopping Baytril for URI due to gut problems?

    Squeegee's brother, Squonk, passed away early Monday morning (8/29) from pneumonia and I took Squeegee to Squonk's appointment at my vet as I had started to hear popping and wheezing noises from his nose. The vet didn't see anything in his lungs and said if it got worse to call the vet to...
  9. x_x

    Not eating on baytril

    Patches, my guinea pig, was recommended some baytril for red urine, as in possible UTI. The vet did not know much about what was to be done as I am in India and you rarely find guinea pigs here. After baytril he said no probiotics were needed. I gave Patches the medicine Thursday night and on...
  10. D

    Stubborn URI - help please

    Hi all, One of my boys Punk got diagnosed with a URI on the 6th July 2022 and was given a 10 day course of Sulfatrim. All 10 days were completed and his symptoms went away. Around 3 days after symptoms went away, they came back. We were given a full bottle of Sulfatrim so decided to give it...
  11. biotechanna

    Poor piggy still ill after a month

    Hi, I'm posting regarding my 3.5yo guinea pig, Lazarus. He started to show symptoms about a month ago (loss of appetite, puffed up fur, lethargy, pooping less, crusty eyes). As soon as he started showing symptoms, I brought him to the vet. He did a course of Baytril for a URI and Terramycin eye...
  12. P

    Bladder stone x arthritis

    My 5 year old guinea pig Teddy has just been diagnosed with arthritis and a large bladder stone. Last week he started with blood in his urine and squeaking in pain everytime he urinated, i took him to the vets where they did an xray and found a large bladder stone but also discovered he has...
  13. philippa063

    Wheezing / hooting noise followed by hiccough

    Hello all :) One of my female piggies, Ginny, has been hooting / wheezing loudly - especially at night but also in the daytime - but not showing any other signs of illness at all. She always hiccoughs at the end and the hooting then stops. This has been happening, on and off, for about 3...
  14. Chonkerz

    Neverending UTI saga: advice needed

    Hello, Please anyone with experience in UTI’s in female pigs please help! I’m a 19 year old who pays for all my pigs vet bills, and all of their other expenses and I’m wanting to know where to go from here ;-; please read my situation and help me. I‘ve got two female guinea pigs, both are in...
  15. Puddles1999

    Baytril dosage?

    Penelope had blood in her pee that wasn’t visible! The vet prescribed Baytril thinking it should cure anything that could be causing it. She does not squeak when peeing or in any noticeable discomfort. Nor is she losing weight! A bit weird but for her baytril dosage, she gets .10 ML every 12...
  16. K

    Baytril Amount for URI - Does this seem high?

    Hi there! My 3 year-old boar just came down with a URI. I know I caught it early, but wanted him to been seen ASAP. I spent hours yesterday calling around and finally found someone to take him today (I just moved to this state, so that didn't help!). It's a HUGE teaching hospital - the reviews...
  17. frankiethepiggie

    Baytril leading to Stasis?

    Hello, I’m finally joining on the forum. I’m eighteen with one piggy, Frank. He had a cage mate named George who passed away a little over a year ago. Frank’s now turning five in June. I had some questions about an antibiotic I’ve used a few times for my other pig a few years ago. My current pig...
  18. C

    Died suddenly after vet said recovering

    My 2 year old girl developed wet bottom and a suspected UTI a week ago. Xrays and scans suggested no stones or uterine infection but that it was confined to bladder-the bladder walls thickened and possible bladder sludge. She was put on high dose baytril (and painkiller) and almost completely...
  19. M

    Sow bleeding from bottom after 2 weeks of antibiotic and anti inflammatory treatment

    Hi, My piggy June is about a year and a half old. Two weeks ago I found blood in the pen and on her bottom to we took her to the vets where she was checked and had an x ray. There was glucose in her wee and blood and the x-ray showed no sign of kidney or bladder stones. So she began treatment...
  20. K

    How much Baytril?

    Hi all, My skinny pig is on Baytril for a toe infection that is taking very long to go away. He is 1,095kg and is on Baytril 10% oral. The vet prescribed 0,1ml once a day. I am concerned that this is not enough to kick the infection in the butt. He was on antibiotic injections for 5 days and is...