behaviour issues

  1. S

    Piggies not getting on.

    Hi I need some advice. Our two boys do not seem to be getting on at the moment, they are constantly arguing with eachother. The only time they don’t seem to argue is when they are eating. They rumble and wiggle their bums which I know is a dominance thing, but then it gets louder and results...
  2. Cloefreeman

    Help! Aggressive piggy T.T

    Hello! Please help, I'm starting to get desperate :( I've been introducing my piggies in neutral spaces for 3 months, but from the very first moment Moira (female) attacks Vega (female) every single time, and now Vega is absolutely terrified of her and Moira feels even more powerful. She...
  3. PerpLexxity

    Permanent Fall Out...

    Hey everybody... So a awhile back I posted out a dominance issue with my guys... today I put them together with a full clean out of the cage (to remove scents and markings), a buddy bath, and well yea, it didn’t turn out so well. I’ve read every technique in the forum and every article for...
  4. D

    Guinea Pig Squabbles

    Hi, recently I've been getting a little worried that Honey keeps on mounting Jasmine. It's not major mounting (I don't think), but Jasmine seems to find it uncomfortable and object by high pitch squealing. Sometime Honey just huddles so close up to Jasmine that she's almost on top of her when...
  5. Mishatoe

    My Guinea Pig Spazzes Out When Out Of Cage

    I've had a guinea pig for about a month now and she's only a baby. I've noticed that when she's out of her cage she goes completely bonkers. Rolling, jumping, running around crazily. She does not like being touched outside of her cage, but when she's in it I can pet away. Does anyone know what...
  6. katie_anne89

    Some Advice Needed Please :(

    Hi everyone :) I really need some advice on handling one of my piggies, Blakey. When we first got them about 2 months ago Blakey seemed ok during lap time (although he has always been the more timid pig). We moved their cage to a better location but since then he has seemed even more timid and...
  7. Sasco

    Bullying Behaviour And Solutions Help Please!

    I have 3 sows, a 3 year old and two 4 month olds. They were bonded successfully when the babies were 8 weeks old and have shown no aggressive behaviour up to now (the babies are sisters). One of my two babies has a growth disorder and is very small. Her sister is now chasing her away whenever...
  8. Ginnyandpia

    Piggy Peeing?

    Ginny Pig has started a new thing where she pees on my mom... She'll sit for a cuddle for about 15 minutes and then she'll just let loose with the pee and poop right on my mom. She has only ever peed on me once when she was on antibiotics. She usually poops when being held so that's not a...
  9. AdamFrench

    Two Female Sows Together For A Week

    We have just bought two female sows a week ago and they've been together since. We are inexperienced guinea owners but have read up on a lot before and since purchasing them. However, there is a lot of contradictory information around and its always something else to see behaviour rather than...
  10. Beans&Toast

    Confused By Toast's Behaviour

    Warning: slightly long post. So I've had Toast for close to a year now and all I knew about her was that her previous owner did not spend any time with her or show her affection, she lived alone in a small cage and had food thrown in once a day. Understandably this means that she's not the...
  11. E

    5 Months Old Male Boars

    Hi everyone! I have two 'rescue' boars which were bought from Pets At Home (yes I know, bad choice) about a week ago. They were in the rescue and adoption section because they were too aggressive to be houses with the younger piggies especially in the small enclosures they seem to have at the...
  12. Lottie_Guinea

    Very Shy, Won't Get Used To Me!

    I just got a two new guinea's recently and one of them, Alice, is amazing, likes to explore, like bathing,likes to eat anything and likes to meet new people/animals (My dog loves guinea pigs just as much as me and has always snugged with them and is very gentle and cute with them). But the...
  13. E

    Weird Behaviour

    We have three guinea pigs, all sisters, all have been with us for around 12 weeks. The youngest always followed her big sisters about, which we thought was normal as human kids do that too! Just this past week though, she's been following the middle one around, but sitting her head on the...