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  1. CrestaandPaddington

    Chirping at the full moon

    Hello everyone, I’m new here. So hello! Just wanted to see if anyone else has noticed unusual stuff happening around the full moon. We have two boys and one of them has been chirping, one night a month for the past 3 months around the full moon. At first we thought it was a bird, such an...
  2. LunaticPoodle

    3 chirping pigs!

    Well, this is weird. As far as I've heard, chirping is quite unusual, but as of last night another one of our piggies has done it. Geezer: he was being introduced to a new baby friend, was overly excited; Baldrick: no idea. He was just standing in the middle of the cage next to his cagemate. We...
  3. T

    Chirping Saved My Fingers in Nail Trims!

    Little backstory: A month or so ago I woke up in the middle of the night to some weird chirping sounds. It is the dead of winter so I know it’s not a bird. My only other guess was my Guinea pigs. One google search later and I realize I’m one of the lucky ones that get to hear this sound from...
  4. Dystopoly

    Persephone Chirping!

    I was getting some work done today when I suddenly heard my skinny girl making a noise I’d never heard her make before - and soon realized she was CHIRPING! I’m so lucky I caught it on camera, but I wish I knew what the heck was going on inside her head lol!
  5. K

    Bull laying down and chirping after fight

    I have 2 males 1 older than the other not related I was petting both at same time and they smaller pig started humping the bigger one which led to a scuffle and the older one chased and humping the little one (I assume getting his dominence back) But now he is lying down and chirping and...
  6. D

    Weird chirping noises

    I’ve had my guinea pig, Martin, for about 2 years now and he just started making these weird chirping noises almost like a bird. I took a video and it will be below. Please help. He’s never made these noises before. He’s just chilling in the corner of his cage and I’m worried. I googled it and...
  7. F

    Chirping/Wheezing + weight loss

    Hi, I’ve got a two (almost 3) year old female guinea pig called Poppy, who’s had a tough couple of weeks. Started with removing an inch long piece of hay/grass from her eye which resulted in a eye ulcer, but the emergency out of hour vets sorted that with pain relief and eye drops and her eye is...
  8. B

    Guinea Pig Chirping Research - Data Needed

    Hello everyone! Recently, (after spending a night sleepless every 2 weeks or so) I started wondering about the possible reasons for chirping (bird sounds) in guinea pigs. As is well-known, only a relatively small subset of all GPs produce this sound, and it always seem to occur at night...
  9. D


    what does chirping sound like!:lol!:
  10. Siikibam


    I was dozing off last night when I was woken by a squeaky sound. When I opened the door I realised it was coming from downstairs. I switched the light on and it stopped! I sat on the stairs for a minute then went to check on the boys. They were just standing there staring and unmoving! I went...
  11. Cavy Kung-Fu

    Statistically Impossible!

    So here I am watching Big Bang Theory re-runs and I hear some chirping. I immediately look for Cissy, it's not her. So I look to Bella and it's not her either. IT WAS IGGY. I have another chirping pig? This must surely be a learned behaviour as it's statistically unlikely, perhaps even...
  12. Cavy Kung-Fu

    Singing Cissy!

    Cissy is a bit rusty, but she's still got it! Iggy is confused and not all that impressed :)) Hopefully the links have worked! Apologies for the darkness, I didn't want to disrupt her :) Please ignore the Dominos boxes :shh:
  13. Cavy Kung-Fu

    Chirping Again!

    As some of you may know, I have a singing pig called Cissy. She now sings in front of me which is lovely, usually when I'm giving her sister a stroke. But tonight during lap time (she was having a cuddle with my mum) she started to chirp! Right on my mums chest! Twice! Has anyone had...
  14. TheCavySlave

    Were They...chirping?!

    SOOOOOO. Few minutes ago, my mum and I heard this weird, weird noise. It was really quite loud, like a CHEE-CHEE-CHEE-CHEE-CHEE. And I thought, is it someone playing silly beggars, or a weird bird outside practising karaoke? So I got up, and when I went near the piggy room it sounded louder, but...
  15. TheCavySlave

    Were They...chirping?!

    SOOOOOO. Few minutes ago, my mum and I heard this weird, weird noise. It was really quite loud, like a CHEE-CHEE-CHEE-CHEE-CHEE. And I thought, is it someone playing silly beggars, or a weird bird outside practising karaoke? So I got up, and when I went near the piggy room it sounded louder, but...
  16. Squidgypigs

    I've Just Seen/heard Rhona Chirping...

    Was sat watching TV and heard a loud birdlike chirp from the pig room. Rushed in to find Rhona (only about six weeks old) sat under a wooden bridge chirping like a mad thing. To be honest it was downright spooky as the other twelve girls (including week old Zelah) were stood completely still...
  17. Arcticwolf

    Callie Chirping! (videos Included)

    Callie started going through puberty a couple of weeks ago. Besides the increase in energy, brattiness, and weight, she's started chirping! :lol: I've never owned a chirping guinea pig before, so I was in awe when I heard it for the first time. She does it at random times throughout the day...