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food habits

  1. Winniethepiggy

    Guineas wont eat nuggets

    Hello again, Over the past few days, ive realised my guinea pigs wont eat their nuggets on a morning. They used to last week and all of a sudden this week they just arent touching them? Is it because I'm still scatter feeding my 5 week olds, old food that the lady told me to feed her for a...
  2. Shaivy

    Pellet food for guinea pig

    Guys I am from India and the pellets which are buy for my baby is no more available here , and i was looking for another pellet brand Versele Laga, Small Animal Feed, Complete Cavia, 500-gm Buy Versele Laga, Small Animal Feed, Complete Cavia, 500-gm Online at Low Prices in India - Amazon.in I...
  3. StevieWanda

    Piggies keep peeing in food bowls

    Hi everyone! since I got my two ladies about 2 months ago, they’ve been regularly peeing in their food bowls. Initially they only had one for dry food and one for veggies, so I assumed it was a territory thing, since there’s two of them. However I have gotten them bowls each, which are regularly...
  4. Angelwingpie

    My baby guinea pig won’t eat any veggies!

    I am very worried as my month and a half old guinea is not eating any veggies, I’ve done lots of research and I see that guinea pigs need a lot of vegetables in their diet... I am wondering if I should bring her to the vet but I don’t want to pay $100 just for them to tell me that she’s just...
  5. H

    Picky Hay Habits

    I've had my Piggies for a few weeks now and I've noticed that there's a lot of hay wastage going on, especially with the lovely ladies! They are on a OxBow Timothy Hay I get from a local pet food store, and while the boys up top will eat it all just fine, no complaints, the ladies will pull it...
  6. Erinmartinx

    Guinea pig likes dog food?

    Evening everyone, I’ve recently noticed one of my girls likes to eat dry dog food. Whenever I get them out she’ll always run over to the dog bowl and start eating it. I remove the bowl now when they’re out but I don’t know if it would of caused any harm. She only had a few bits. thanks in advance.
  7. X

    Guineapigs keep eating coroplast cage insert

    :help::ple::help: One of my guineapigs keeps eating the coroplast his cage base is made of, its mostly for attention i try ignore him but if i do the more he eats. Ive covered most of the plastic woth either fleece or toys to stop hom eating ir but it doesnt work. He has 2 cage mates, both girls...
  8. ishimercado

    Stargrass Hay and Alfalfa Hay

    Hi, I've had my Guinea pig for almost a month now. She's a month and a couple of weeks old Sheltie/Silkie sow. Not sure why she's not too keen on eating hay. This is they hay I'm giving her. It's Stargrass Hay with Alfalfa Hay. But she doesn't seem to like it that much. I'm not even sure if...
  9. G

    Help! My baby Guinea Pig only eats the seed pod of the hay.

    Hello people, I just got a guinea pig 4 days ago now. I think she is a baby because she is very tiny. So, I bought her Timothy grass and she only eats very little of it. I have had to dump the rest out. She will especially only eat the seed pod that looks like soft threads of hair. I don't know...
  10. B

    Weird behaviour with bell peppers

    This isn't so much a big concern, just something odd I've noticed from my pigs that I'm pretty curious about. So my two boars used to LOVE bell pepper, especially red ones they were their absolute favourite. However over the last week or so they've both refused to take them from me, at most a...
  11. ChloeCee98

    Changed From Museli Over To Nuggets!

    :yahoo:I have seen such a change in my piggy Noodle over the last few days! I've been mixing her museli with nuggets (pets@home I know they're not the best) to try get her on the same as my other pig MoMo so when they go in the same cage there won't be any hassle! She's been so much better...
  12. ToriiBugg

    Obsessed With Lettuce ?!

    My 2 month old Finn has taken a huge liking to romaine lettuce. I give him a good bit but when he finishes it he looks around for more! He even nudges my fingers and basically loves on me probably hoping he'd get more. If I don't give him more he seriously squeals at me. He eats his pellets and...
  13. R

    Help! My Cavy Stopped Eating

    Here's the gist, my Cavy is refusing to eat his pellets or his hay but he will gladly accept fruits and veggies and his treats. He is kind of large (always has been since I adopted him) and this is unlike him to refuse to eat his pellets or hay. He is always the first one to his food bowl to...