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  1. Beth<3GuineaPig

    Help! Lost My Pig Outside!!

    Hi thanks for clicking on the thread about 10 mins ago i was about to clean out my piggys cadge as i was mocing it in my piggy ran in to the tall grass i have neighbors either side and a woods right behind were he ran i think hes in there so far i have cleaned out his cadge and put it in the...
  2. Atalia

    Health Checks

    I would like to ask for tips and learn some information on health checks! (Poorly enough I was unaware of what it was until a couple weeks ago.) When I bought my pigs from a pet shop (unaware of rescues at the time) they did not tell me anything of their needs and requirements. So I went off of...
  3. Griffindor717

    New Piggie Options...

    Hi everyone :) I know that every pig is different and it's impossible to comment on different situations when you don't know the pigs in question, but any generic advice would be very gratefully received! I still have my lonely 7 month old girl, who's best friend died a couple of weeks ago. The...