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  1. E

    Hormonal babies? Please help!

    Hi! I'm super worried about one of my 4 sows, I have had them for about a month and a half now and they're roughly 3 months old. They have settled so well and 3 of which are eating out of my hand! The other one who is a little more shy still hasn't eaten out of my hand and is the one I am...
  2. milchgauss

    Guinea Pig Trio Solution?

    We have a guinea pig trio (all female) in a cage that is roughly 5.5 feet by 1.5 feet. They were all from the same litter in the pet shop. My husband and I had done our research prior to getting the guinea pigs and did not come across the fact that this configuration was dysfunctional. Our...
  3. E

    My Dominant Sow Is Bullying The Rest

    I have three sows, two are from the same litter and one which I have just recently adopted. They have a big cage with ample running space. When the new sow was adopted I followed the instructions of bonding in order for the process to go smoothly. After the hierarchy was established I believe...