
  1. W

    Does my guinea pig have mange mites?

    Hi, 1 week ago I was noticing that my guinea pig was itching a lot more and tended to be more scared by his fellow piggies. Therefore I decided to just check up on him, then I found out red dots and a lil scabbing on his back. He also began to bald as when I brushed him more than usual hair came...
  2. C

    Non bio washing

    My Guinea pigs have went from wood shavings to a fleece liner. Been on the liner for a week just swapped to a clean one the other day. However they have started to itch not much though, could it be the washing powder? I used a non bio fairy pod. I have checked them for anything in their fur and...
  3. C

    Emergency? dying piggie

    Hi just adopted my piggie Cosmo only 2 days ago. Since he got home he’s been scratching and biting himself. I thought it was mites so I treated with ivermectin, small improvement but still itching. Now, he’s given out discharge through his nose, refusing to eat much, very lethargic and laying...
  4. C

    Scabs, bleeding and dandruff

    Hello everyone, I have had some problems with my 1 year old guinea pigs. A while ago they started to itch and soon after they has scabs that bleed, and they wheek when touched. One of our guinea pigs with these symptoms passed away a few weeks ago, and these symptoms have started on my other two...
  5. MeganSambrook

    Mites? Open Wound

    Hello, I’m new to the forum so I hope I am posting in the correct place. We’ve recently adopted a guineapig who we were told is 8 months old and had been attacked by a female guineapig in his cage. He has a superficial wound on his back which unfortunately he can reach with his back leg. He also...
  6. S

    how to stop my guinea pig from scratching a healing wound?

    as i mentioned in my previous post, one of my girls has a cut on her nose and just below her eye from a squabble between her and her sister. the cut is healing however she keeps scratching it, often to the point of tearing off the scab and drawing blood again. she's obviously causing herself...
  7. Lizzieejoyce

    Itching: What should I do?

    Hello again you helpful bunch! Hope you’re all doing well. I rescued two females (sisters, approx 4 years old) last week and one in particular is itching quite a bit and has a patch of torn hair/a bald patch on her back. The itching seems more frequent now. I have an appointment on Monday...
  8. E

    Guinea pigs itch but completely fine? Help please

    My 5 piggies, all itch though their seperated, have been for months.. no hair loss, no hair grease, no bold spots, happy, very energetic and eats a lot! Just scratching constantly, doesn't mind touching... a while ago when they still itched and we went to the vets it he said there was no mites...
  9. S

    Hair Loss and Itching

    Hi- I am new to this fourm and I hope you all can help me. This morning I noticed my pig had lost a patch of hair just above her right front foot (not too big but noticeable). I have also noticed she has been itching (or gnawing, she I guess chews on it then pulls, my previous pigs did the same...
  10. ollieandwinston


    My piggy has mites and we did research as to what to get to treat him,and most people said to get mite treatment at our local pet store and when we looked they didn’t have any and have never heard of it which,so we came back and did more research and found neem oil.So we were able to get some...
  11. M

    Fungal infection from being damp - itchy piggy

    Hi! I thought I'd post here in the hope someone might be able to help. My 3 year year old girl has a bad fungal infection. She's been dipping her chin so much in the water that she's given herself a fungal infection from the skin being wet. I treated her with topical ivectmin and I'm currently...
  12. Alssa

    Twitching and rolling over

    I recently made my piggy a cuddle sack which is basically a donut of fabric you wear like a scarf and let your piggy sleep or to just cuddle in. She really likes it and the only concerning thing is that when she’s in it she’ll shake her head like she has an itch in her ear and then flop over on...
  13. K

    Guinea Pig Scabs

    Hey, Guys! It's me again. Now, as some may know, I had to separate Lalo and Harold but their cages are right next to each other. Harold is fine and running around all happy. Lalo is being his lazy cute self but recently, I've been seeing Lalo act..strange. Very strange. It started with...
  14. L

    Poorly Piggy

    Hi, I have a young guinea pig that I foolishly got from a breeder (there's a story behind it but that's not why I'm here) I have another piggy so frosty the new new piggy has been in quarantine. He began to develop scabs and was diagnosed with mites. The vets gave him some drops last Friday and...
  15. Caitlin Wilson

    Regular Itching/scratching

    I recently adopted a guinea pig and noticed that he was itching the same spots quite regularly. I have been checking for any hair loss and I can't see anything around the areas but he doesn't like me touching the area that he is scratching on his side. When I have felt it, I can't feel anything...
  16. cinn&sugarmybbs

    Help With Ringworm!

    Hi guys, I'm new to the site and I have a question about my two Guinea pigs:)) I took them to the vet 2 days ago, I knew they have a URI so I was given baytril and probiotics to stop it. I noticed they have been scratching a lot. So I asked if it was mites or fleas. Both tests came back...
  17. Beans&Toast

    Biological Washing Powder Causing Itching?

    So for months now Beans has been scratching and biting all over her body pretty much constantly. She's had various tests done at the vets and it's not mites/fungal and they couldn't really see why she was doing it. But I've just noticed today that the washing powder used for their fleece is...
  18. crnyng

    Rescue Pig Health Issues

    I posted before about rescueing/adopting a two year old female that had static lice/hay mites. I picked her up today and my god poor girl. Her water bottle had algae growing all over it, her food bowl had mold at the bottom in the crevasses, but my biggest concern is her skin! Her dander is SO...
  19. FayeM

    Itching And Twitching

    Hi everyone I'm new to this site and a new guinea pig mummy so looking for some advice if anyone can help. I bought my 2 boars from a breeder 8 days ago and they were just 8 weeks when I collected them. One of them is very nervous and hasn't really gotten used to be handled as yet, but will...
  20. MomoMura

    How Often Do Your Guinea Pigs Scratch Themselves?

    Mines seem to scratch themselves at -least- once or twice every five to ten minutes. Sometimes even more. Is this normal? I have taken them to the vet and he even checked them for parasites and couldn't find anything. I've been waiting for other symptoms such as loss of appetite, not...