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losing weight

  1. nicolecorrine

    Please help, sick guinea pig

    My poor girl, Bailey, has been struggling for about a month with a URI. She is taking .2 ml of Enrofloxacin and .24 ml of Meloxicam daily. I have been to the vet 3 times and I am scheduling one this morning when my vet opens, however, it will probably be a few days until she gets an appointment...
  2. Puddles1999

    Gradual weight loss & ovarian cysts

    Hi everyone. I posted a few months back about my Minnie losing a bit of weight. She was always around 1000 and she dropped down to 880-890. She maintained around there until this month. She went from 860 to 843 and then 3 days later to 794. She’s since been checked by a vet and she said she...
  3. N

    Elderly guinea pig appetite

    Hi everyone, it’s been a while since i posted here but Nox has been having some recent troubles so here goes... Nox is almost 6 and a half and I am so grateful hes lasted this long. He’s always been a very chunky, sassy old man. However, recently he’s lost around 300 grams. (He was previously...
  4. RheMae

    Guinea pig eating normally, drinking a bit more, but losing steadily?

    Hi guys! So I recently lost two piggies, my Judo and Guts. It's been hard going, but of course, Bert had a check up. I noticed he was drinking more water than normal. His poos are very dark, regular shaped, sometimes pinched off, and shiny. So overall, healthy, as far as I know. He was treated...
  5. C

    Red urine

    My Guinea pig has been losing weight slowly these past few weeks. The other night I noticed pink blood and was hoping it was something she ate. It continues to be red. There are no vets open today and I have I’ll try to get her in tomorrow but any advice on what I should be doing for her right...
  6. C

    Losing weight

    My 4 year old Guinea pig is losing weight. She has always been a little over weight since I got her but the past few months she has been getting thinner. Today I noticed her trying to wheek but it was mostly silent. Her lungs and breathing sound okay and I don’t see any discharge from her nose...
  7. J

    Loosing weight, chocking and wheezing

    Good morning, Please if someone could give some advise that would be great. Our guinea pig is 11 weeks old and had him 3 weeks. Ever since having him he sounds like he's gagging / choking both when eating food and not eating food, sometimes his body rocks back and forth until he's stopped...
  8. J

    T-Tot's Story on battling pneumonia and after

    Hi everyone, I wanted to share our T-Tot's story and maybe get some insight from other people with some piggies who may be going through the same thing. (Sorry if this is a long post) My son, Noah, who is 10yo, takes really good care of his T-Tot (almost 1yo). They're best friends, they truly...
  9. Laaaauren

    My Guinea Is Getting Skinny

    Hello everyone, first time user here! I adopted two beautiful boys called Storm and Pebbles about a year ago from a rescue centre. We did our research on the rescue and all the reviews were incredibly positive. We don’t know much about where our piggies came from before, only that they were...
  10. AdamFrench

    Taos Not Eating When Alone

    Tao was losing weight and we think it was down to the Baytril she was on We had stopped The Baytril and she began to put weight back on for 1 day. We were given Emeprid and Zantac yesterday to start on its own before the Baytril again after 24hours. Last night she had her 1st doses of Emeprid...
  11. N

    Older Pig Eating But Losing Weight?

    Hey, new to this forum! First, let me say that my girl (Neels - weird name, I know) is 6 years old, thus why I was not concerned when she began to lose a little weight; everyone I talked to about it said that this is normal. I have no way of weighing either of my girls, but I know that if I...
  12. sophadopha97

    Guinea Not Eating Properly

    Hi, My 2/3 year old guinea Pablo has recently lost a lot of weight and grown rather skinny - from 1300g at his peak 2 months ago to 1000g last week. I took him to the vets for a regular check up as I'd noticed he'd lost weight but was still eating. The vet suggested it would probably be a...
  13. ajtownhill

    Unknown Mouth Problem - Vets Confused.

    Hopefully you will be able to see the attached video, if not I will try again. EDIT: The video can also be viewed at My little Victor has been poorly for around a week now. He wasn't eating properly and couldn't bite into food so we took him to the vets. He had a procedure on Wednesday 10th...
  14. FluffyB

    Hyperthyroidism In Guinea Pigs

    Hello all, I have been referring to your forum for information and advice while trying to care for my guinea pigs; one of which died Friday morning. I want to share the medical info so that hopefully it can help someone else, who may be searching these boards for help and answers. Fuff was 5...
  15. JoannaMarie

    Two Poorly Pigs... Please Help!

    So my Ted had a bladder operation a week ago last Friday, he really suffered and we all thought he was on his way out at one stage. He started to improve last Wednesday but he is still not himself, hardly eating anything. I am hand feeding every morning and evening but isn't improving much. Any...
  16. Sophieismyguineapig

    Losing Weight, Plus Other Things?

    My six year old agouti, Sophie has been losing quite a bit of weight. I haven't properly weighed her, but her spine is showing and she's not as chubby as she once was. She's eating great, but she stays at her bottle almost constantly. She's also quite recently started with soft stool. The lady I...