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nose sore

  1. D

    Above nose bleed

    my guinea pig had a bit off hard fur above his nose for a week or two now. i helped him and took it off. although there are no changes in the way he acts , the bit where the hard fur was gave a bit of blood. i tryed my best to clean it up. is there anything i should be concerned about? i’m a bit...
  2. E

    Help! Piggy Sores? Won’t Stop Itching!

    Hello All! Just a few days ago I noticed on the left side of my pig’s nose the hair was falling out and then saw a small pea sized sore behind his left ear. Then yesterday I found 3 more sores on his chest and near his bottom. He keeps chewing at the sore on his back and is worrying me that...
  3. Z


    awfully worried about poor gus’s nose! he has two stiff bits of hair on his nose and i can’t find any pictures that look similar to it on any of the forums. should i be worried? is a vet appointment necessary? please any help
  4. Megannah

    Bald Patch On Nose

    Hello, last week I found on my Piggie Marshall I noticed a small patch of hair above his nose was dry and stuck together, I looked it up on line and i couldn't find anything , but today as I picked him up the dried hair was hanging of his nose and fell off and underneath was a tiny red sore? His...