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not eating

  1. Piggy Planet

    Guinea pig still not eating solids after two dentals

    In a nutshell, my boy, Chestnut, a lovely long-haired beauty, stopped eating completely some weeks ago - he had his overgrown teeth rasped – still didn’t eat for so long, that his teeth regrew – had teeth rasped again – still not eating – how do we break the cycle before his teeth grow again...
  2. nicolecorrine

    Please help, sick guinea pig

    My poor girl, Bailey, has been struggling for about a month with a URI. She is taking .2 ml of Enrofloxacin and .24 ml of Meloxicam daily. I have been to the vet 3 times and I am scheduling one this morning when my vet opens, however, it will probably be a few days until she gets an appointment...
  3. C

    Guinea pig not eating after being spayed

    Hi, My Guinea pig Daisy is 5 years old and 6 days ago she was spayed due to recommendations from vet because of hormonal changes. She hadn’t returned to her usual eating/ behaviour after a couple days so on the follow up appointment we expressed these concerns and was told it can be normal and...
  4. B

    Guinea pig not eating or drinking :(((

    One of my boys has stopped eating and drinking. He is about 10 months old (rescue so not exact) We noticed he was eating less 2 days ago (he did eat some celery and mint but only a little) but it leaving his pellets/nuggets mostly untouched and is leaving all kale/carrots/cucumber. Now his pops...
  5. Olivitree

    Urgent! barely responsible piggy, some bloating, absolute refusal to eat or drink

    Hey folks. Swirl, about 2 years old, has come down with something very rapidly. I rushed her to the vet, vet mostly stumped, said she was bloaty, gave her some meds for that, some pain killers and fluid under the skin. Checked her teeth and temperature, mostly fine, said her breath smelled kind...
  6. G

    Gut stasis

    Hi everyone , my 2 year old female guinea pig went to the vets on Sunday as she wasn't eating , she was diagnosed with gut stasis and given an injection to stimulate her gut, pain medication and some critical care. It's been two days of force feeding her and she has shown no improvement. She has...
  7. C

    Recognising Signs of Heart Failure

    Hi everyone, I have a bonded neutered male and female pair that are rescues and I have had them exactly a month now. The little girl suddenly took a turn about two days ago and is exhibiting a lot of symptoms that align with heart failure: visible, laboured breathing where her whole abdomen...
  8. Y

    Sick Guinea pig- opinions

    Two days ago, Yuki started bullying Bumble and was excessively chasing and humping him… I mean this went on *all* day I also noticed him chasing him away from the food a few times, eventually Yuki stopped in the evening. Bumble is always submissive to Yuki but I could tell he was getting...
  9. Rivendellelf

    Not eating after dental

    Hi I have a girl who wasn’t eating. So I took her to a vet (good exotic vet) who said her incisors were at an angle which suggested something was going on further back. She then had an X-ray and some dental filling on her back teeth and a spur under GA. This was Monday. As of today, she’s...
  10. C

    SICK ELDERLY GUINEA — Can’t get critical care for 2 days — suggestions?

    Hi i have an 8 year old female been with me her whole life. She has allergies and seems she caught a bad ear/sinus infection. Doctor gave me antibiotics because she clear has snot coming out of her nose and eyes were all kinds of gross. That was yesterday. I cleaned her face off with a warm wet...
  11. J

    Help- Anorexic and lethargic guinea pig

    Hi, this is the first time I’ve used this but I’m looking for advice. My guinea pig is 2.5 years old, she lives indoors with 3 other female pigs. She’s had no major changes that I can think of, but this morning she was off her food. We tried her with her usual chard, as well as green beans and...
  12. D

    weak leg

    this is going to be lengthy so apologies in advance 😟 my guinea pig cinnamon (5 years and 9 months) is recovering from bloat. we took him to the vets and she managed to get his bowels cleared and moving again nearly 2 days ago and gave him painkillers and fluids. i’ve been giving him pellets...
  13. Fiona1987

    Guinea pig not eating

    Hello everyone, I’m wondering if I can get some advice or previous experience so I can help my little pig as I’m so uncertain what’s the best thing to do. I noticed my male guinea (3 1/2 years) eating and drinking less last Saturday afternoon. I decided to keep an eye on him for the rest of...
  14. D

    Male guinea pig with watery eyes/eye discharge and not eating

    Hi guys, I have booked a vet appointment for later today but I wanted to check if anyone had experienced what I have and what the outcome/diagnosis was. I noticed the other day that my guinea pig, Chunk, had lost a bit of weight but he was still acting like himself and eating his veggies and...
  15. LordCavy

    Guinea pig suddenly stopped eating; producing clumpy, soft poop

    Hi! My guinea pig, Muffin, suddenly stopped eating yesterday; he's simply been sleeping. I've noticed he squeaks when he poops, he also produces very soft and clumpy stools. I've been giving him Critical Care (15ml every 3 hr) and Pro-C probiotics diluted with water (5ml every 3h). Apologies if...
  16. D

    My piggy is sick PLZ HELP!

    Hello my name is Jess and my piggy’s name is Daisy. I love Daisy so much! I adopted her for my two older children aged 11 & 9 but they ended up not paying any attention to her as they are children so I became her owner and I fell in love. I spend so much on all the treats at my local pet shop...
  17. DavidUgle

    Dental Teeth problems/front teeth too long?

    Hello! Last week i took my guinea pig to the vet as he was losing weight and not wanting to eat. The vet said they checked his teeth briefly and didn't see anything wrong so they gave him some fluids and Metacam pain relief for me to give him for a week, some EmerAid syringe food for the next 24...
  18. M

    Guinea pig still won’t eat or drink

    Hi, I’m really desperate for help. I noticed my boar Milo wasn’t himself just less than a week ago. He wasn’t eating much, wasn’t moving around, had a weepy eye and crusts around his eye, was really lethargic and not himself. I took him to the vet and they said it was an infection and he was...
  19. N

    Dental Advice after Dental Surgery

    Hi 👋🏻 My pig had dental surgery two weeks ago tomorrow but since then he hasn’t been eating or drinking. He still seems to be interested in food but just sniffs it. He hasn’t gone to his bottle at all since. I’ve been feeding him critical care in the meantime but it’s exhausting and very hard...
  20. H

    I need help please

    My guinea pig Maxwell seems to be sick and I'm not sure how. This morning I fed him and my two girls Hamtaro and Oxnard and he was squeaking and happy. I just got home and now he's all slow and he isn't eating, he seemed to be paralyzed but I don't know if it's that. He's barely moving and isn't...