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  1. BaoandBoba

    Guinea pigs won’t chew

    My Guinea pigs don’t like to chew. I’ve bought them different kinds of chewies, but they’re not very interested. My piggie Boba will only chew critter pops and my piggie Bao won’t chew anything. I try to give them them a baby carrot everyday because it’s their favorite and it’s harder to chew so...
  2. G

    Not Eating Pellet

    Hi! I have two boars (Patches and Carmal). I had to leave them alone for a week, but I had someone looking after them. Before I left, they would eat all their pellets by evening. This morning, I woke up around 10 am, and they had eaten the whole bowl. The thing is, that there are two bowls with...
  3. G

    Picky Eater! Help!

    Hi. I have two boars. Patches (older) and Carmal (younger). Carmal is good about eating his veggies, but his favorite is green beans. Patches on the other, is a very picky eater. He will only eat green beans, and, if I’m lucky, corn. This is probably partially my fault. This is my first time...
  4. kitkat1

    Guinea Pigs Not Eating Hay

    So I recently got the pigs a new brand of timothy and they aren't eating it, they are only eating the fuzzy pieces. I would just buy another brand, but it is a big bale thing and I don't want to waste it all. Any ideas on how to get them to eat it?