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  1. Chickensmom

    Rabbit shedding

    Hello all, My rabbit (5yo spayed female) is currently shedding fur like nobody’s business! It’s November which means winter is coming soon, so I have no idea why. My theory is that my dad keeps the thermostat higher than it should be, because every time I come home from college I’m sweating...
  2. Peanut&Hazel


    Hello, I was wondering if I needed to groom my guinea pigs. They are American short hairs and I have never groomed them before, but they do shed a lot on the fleece. If I were to groom them, would it be okay to use a clean, unused tooth brush to do it, or would I need to get a special brush? I...
  3. T

    Any advice as to why my boar sheds so much?

    Hiya there, I have 3 boars and they are all abby/Peruvian mix breed. So they all have very long and fluffy hair. My one pig Ares his more on the Abby side with lots of swirls. He is 1 years old and 3 months as of today, ever since he was 4 months old he has shed a lot . I mean ALOT, like a dog...
  4. Siikibam

    Nail Trimmer And Brushing

    Ive used our nail cutter in the past to cut the boys’ nails but I’m not too happy with the way it works. I did a search and found some use clippers. I’m wondering if this is the correct one? Secondly, they seem to shed a lot - in finding hairs in the bathroom and on my bedside table, and other...
  5. Squishymoth

    Excessive Shedding

    my boar Warp has been shedding a lot, for maybe a week or two. Brushed all three of my pigs last night and only Warp had noteable shedding (only from the white hair on the back part of his body his section with brown hair near the front doesn’t seem to be shedding if this is relevant). He is...
  6. Leah&Penelope

    Shedding Hair

    Hey Guys, My guinea Leah who is about two months old has started to shed hair. She is a short haired, smooth coat Harlequin (i think!). Anyway, we live in Australia where it is just about to be summer and I am wondering if it is just that she is losing her winter coat (similar to how dogs do)...
  7. B


    I have two Abyssinian guinea pigs (Spaghetti and Hoops), they both shed but Hoops is much worse than Spaghetti. I use a slicker brush and a soft baby brush (although it feels like I could brush her forever and the hair would keep coming out - it's a miracle she's not bald!). With the heat at...
  8. M

    Help! My Piggies Are Too Messy...

    I have 2 piggies who just had their first birthday yesterday (date we got them, not actual birth). Before getting them, we did all the research - best cages, best bedding, how to get them to bond, food, hygiene, etc. I have been accused of spoiling them, being too strict on handling rules, and...
  9. cinn&sugarmybbs

    Guinea Pig Skin Conditions?

    Hi, I have two guniea pigs that are around 8 months old. Both of them have been itching occasionally so I had them checked for mites fleas and lice at the vets. They all came out negative. They had a uri when I took them (3 weeks ago) so the doctor prescribed baytril to kill that and she said...
  10. Beans&Toast

    Beans Is Shedding More Than Normal

    For the past week I've noticed Beans is shedding far more than normal. It's not all over though it's only in one area, at the back near her bum. If I stroke her from head to bottom, once I get to her bottom her hair is coming out almost in clumps (there are no bald spots). I've had a look at...
  11. C

    Help With Excessive Shedding

    Hi, My guinea pig is at least four, maybe 5 years old, and we've had him for 3-4 years. I get it, he's old. But when I took him out today, there was a ton of shedding. More than usual, for sure. There are no bald patches, and as far as I know no mites/lice. I don't think it's temperature...