skin problem

  1. C

    Need help with gunea pig skin issues

    Hey, i first thought it was just dry skin however there are now clumps of hair coming out and bald patchs any idea on what the issue is and how to treat
  2. R

    Suspicious skin disease

    Hi dears, I trimmed one of my long hair guinea pigs hair today and found some suspicious skin diseases around his hip area. Description: some yellow discharges just above the genital area skin and skin are red, hair on that area fall out easily. He eat well and sleep well as normal, so I’m...
  3. GaryNibbler_Pigs

    Dry Flakey Skin & Hair Loss on top of foot

    Hi all, I'm new here so please let me know if I've posted in the wrong section etc. I've noticed a small patch of hair loss on my guinea pigs top of foot. The skin looks dry and flakey. Any ideas what might be the cause? Extra info: these are indoor pigs, their cage is fully cleaned and...
  4. A

    Bumble Foot

    Hello, I’m reaching out to get some advice on my sick Guinea pig. I have a 1 1/2-year-old female, American bred named pepper. Pepper cohabitates with her sister who is the same age as her. I took Pepper to the vet suspecting she had bumblefoot and the vet confirmed this. Pepper's vet prescribed...
  5. annachristina_piggies

    Dandruff type skin issue?

    Hi! Piglet’s ‘dandruff’ issue seems to be getting worse. Does anyone know what this issue is and how to treat it? It looks like dead flakes of skin that end up getting attached to the hair shafts. The worst affected area is the crown on his back where the hair goes in different directions. When...
  6. L

    Crusty Eyelid?

    Hi, today I realized that the left eyelid of one of my guinea pig babies looks kind of swollen and crusty, but we aren’t sure what the cause might be. He doesn’t seem to have any problems with it, but it definitely looks like something is wrong. Otherwise, he is very healthy, eats and poops...
  7. EJ Fairweather

    Strange rash/ bald spot on boar’s back, could be mites...?

    Last night when I went to hold all my boars (I have four) Floyd had a strange scabby patch on his back with missing hair. I haven’t noticed it before now and I hold them all often. I got him and his cage mate pretty recently from a private owner, and while they will sometimes chase each other...
  8. J

    Guinea pig skin problems Help please

    Been to the vets twice they gave me introfungol and antibacterial stuff to give him. None of them have worked. Rang the vets and he don't know what it is he wants to do some tests which is going to cost loads iv already spend 70 pound on the vets and haven't gotten anywhere . Has anyone got any...
  9. adussiaQ

    Skinny pig red spots!

    Hello everyone, About a week ago my skinny pig Jelly got what appears to be a spot on his back. It was quite red but not risen. It looked a bit like a scab so I assumed he scratched himself too hard so I just trimmed his nails. Yesterday I saw 3 more of these spots but no scab just red spots. I...
  10. A

    Red skin surrounded by Dry Skin Circle on bottom

    Hi all, I just noticed on my boar's bottom (he's about 5-6 months old) a reddish spot that has dry skin flaking/peeling away from the center of it. There is a picture attached to this post. Can anyone help me identify what this could be?
  11. G

    Small Black Patch by Butt

    I have just gotten a new guinea pig today and he seems completely healthy behavior wise, but when I was letting him run around in a pen by himself for a bit I noticed a little black patch right above his butt/lower back area. It seems like a scab and I tried pulling it off and it didn't bother...
  12. coco&chanel

    Skinny pig skin condition?

    My skinny pig Penelope has developed dry skin with white patches. I gave her a bath and messaged her with coconut oil which seemed to help the top of her (her skin went back to normal) but she's got white patches all over her tummy which I am not sure what they are. I will post pictures as its...
  13. M

    Flaky skin, please help

    Hi! My sweet albino coronet, Stella, has had flaky skin for the last two-three weeks. We took her to the vet ASAP and they said it wasn’t mites, but gave her and my other ladies treatment just in case. It’s been at least two weeks since that happened and not only has she not gotten better, she’s...
  14. Arwen

    Ear Falling Off

    Hi everyone, I'm a relatively new guinea pig owner, and I seem to be having a problem right now. My girl's left ear always had two patches of black skin, and we thought nothing of it, I kind is dismissed it as just the colour of her skin. But Today I can see one of the patches of black is...
  15. T

    Hair Loss, Flaky Scabby Skin. Help:(

    hi there! I have an elderly Pig at 7 years old and she has been the happiest, healthiest pig ever until recently. I noticed that on her neck and stomach area she has lost a lot of hair over time it hasn't been drastically and I'm wondering why? :( Someone suggested that it could be dental...
  16. N

    Guinea Pig Scratching, Baldness And Crusty Skin Around Eye

    My guinea pig has been scratching the area around her right eye for about 2 weeks and since then I noticed baldness around his eye that's been growing ever since. The bald skin is also very crusty and he can barely open his eye. I went to the vet which gave me a kind of medicine that i should...
  17. RJade

    Skin Scraping

    Ive had to have two of my three guinea pigs to the vet about every 2 weeks since I've had them due to hem having dry skin and hair loss. We've had creams, been treated for mites and ringworm and it still hasn't fully resolved. So when I took them back this time, the vet suggested skin scrapings...
  18. TheCavySlave

    Scratching Piggy?

    Hi, haven't posted for a while, so anyway. Duncan had a scratching session! Over a minute of scratching with his leg, his mouth, it was awful to watch. There are tiny white specks in his fur, is that related? I've asked mum to take them to the vet, aaaand... She says she doesn't want it to be a...